A litter box is often essential when adopting a cat. However, for everyone's comfort, the litter box must be used. To do this, the cat must be trained from a young age. How do you go about housebreaking your cat? What are the mistakes not to be made? Here's everything you need to know to teach your cat to use the litter box.

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Cat cleanliness: choosing the right litter box

Cats are naturally clean animals. In fact, he cleans himself thoroughly every day. If he's so clean, it's by mimicry! Kittens observe their mother and reproduce the same gestures. The cat, for her part, makes a point of educating her kittens. In order for a cat to use its litter box, you have to choose the right one.

Clumping litter

Clumping litter converts urine into small solid pieces. This makes it easier to clean up soiled areas in the litter box. Clumping litter can be mixed with other types of litter, but this reduces its effectiveness. It also reduces bad odours. Clumping litter is the most expensive of this selection. However, waste is reduced.

Plant litter

As the name suggests, vegetable litter is made up exclusively of natural materials of vegetable origin. This litter is very ecological and generates little dust. However, it is not uncommon for a cat to be unable to tolerate plant-based litter because of the unpleasant sensation on the paw pads. To reduce the risk of discomfort, don't hesitate to test several brands.

Mineral litter

Mineral litter is the most widely used and least expensive. It consists mainly of clay and silica, which have excellent absorption properties. This litter is available in many sizes and even colours. This litter is very dusty and needs to be changed completely twice a week. Bad odours are reduced.

How to choose a litter box?

There are two main types of litter boxes: open and closed. You should know that open litter boxes are the ones to choose. Why? Because of their natural instinct, cats are predators. In a closed litter box, cats do not feel safe. They are not able to see danger coming. Moreover, an open litter box prevents odours from being contained!

In order for your cat to use the litter box, it is recommended that the smell of the cat is impregnated into the box. To achieve this, it is a good idea not to wash the litter box every day. Instead, remove the faeces but leave a small amount of urine, or rather litter balls containing urine.

Toilet training

It is important to know that potty training can only take place when a kitten is weaned. This is because, after nursing, the cat licks her kittens' bellies to aid digestion. Once a kitten is eating from its own bowl, you can start potty training.

The first step is to choose the ideal location. The litter box should be close to the food and water bowls, i.e. The eating area. The cat must not smell it, otherwise, it will not feed. The litter box must be in a place where people pass by. If you place the box in a corner, your cat will not use it.

In the beginning, the litter box should be offered to the young cat after each meal. It should be rewarded with cuddles and petting. Do not clean the litter box when it is first used. This way, the cat will know that this is the place where it can relieve itself.

If your cat refuses to use the litter box, there's a problem! Start by changing the litter box. If he continues to relieve himself elsewhere, then move the box. If a cat always relieves itself in the same place, be aware that this is the place it has chosen and therefore the place where the litter box should be.

Toilet training: mistakes to avoid

If you want your cat to use the litter box regularly, you must not make any mistakes. Here are the mistakes to avoid.

  • Avoid cleaning the litter box with a cleaning product that smells too much. Bleach should also be avoided. Although these chemicals are effective in cleaning the litter box, the smell can drive the cat away. For natural cleaning, mix half a glass of baking soda with half a glass of white vinegar. Rinse thoroughly and dry before re-littering.
  • Place the litter in an accessible place and do not move it. The box should be a landmark for your cat.
  • Keep the litter box away from the eating area.
  • Don't change the litter box too often, as your cat should be able to smell it.
  • Change the litter box regularly. If your cat likes a litter box, keep it!

Note that a cat that urinates all over the house can have health problems. Do not hesitate to contact your vet. Your vet will examine your cat and make sure that it is not suffering from a pathology such as urinary tract infection (or cystitis), kidney failure or incontinence.

Your cat may also be stressed or anxious. Behavioural problems may account for a delay in toilet training. Cats that have not been properly weaned take longer to use a litter box. Finally, if your cat has free access to the outdoors, via a cat flap, for example, opt for a plant-based litter box.

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