Whether you adopt a kitten or an adult cat, arriving home is sometimes tricky. The feline loses its bearings. And until he finds new ones, you need to earn his trust. To do this, several solutions exist. First, it must be observed and understood. Then, it is necessary to adopt good habits so that he can overcome his fears, fears, and shyness. How to gain the trust of your cat? Here are all our tips.

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Understanding your cat: a starting point

Before you do too much to make your cat trust you, you need to try and understand it. If your cat is very young, it is possible that the separation from its mother was too early. This should be done when the cat is 10 weeks old. Before that is too early! This situation causes the weaning to be abrupt and the kitten to lose its bearings. If you can, find out about your little friend's past. Sometimes there are other events that explain the kitten's behaviour. It may have been abandoned, left to fend for itself, or abused.

If you are adopting an adult cat, you should do the same research. The more you know about a cat's background, the better you can adapt to it! Be aware that a feline can be distant by nature. Like us humans, a cat can be :

  • introverted,
  • overly cautious,
  • anxious,
  • fearful.

If you don't know anything about the cat you are adopting, then you should observe it. If it is easily startled, if it hides, or if it stays in a place where it cannot be reached, it will take a long time to adapt and you will have to gain its trust.

Setting up your home before your cat arrives

When your feline arrives at your home, everything must be ready! Here's what you need to prepare.

  • The dining area, ideally in the kitchen, should have two bowls. First, you should pour fresh water and change it regularly. In the second bowl, you should pour kibble that is adapted to the cat's needs. This container should be filled regularly and left for the cat to use. Once or twice a day, you can offer wet food such as mash.
  • The cleanliness area is essential for a cat. It consists of a litter box. This can be open or closed. If you have a fearful animal, an open litter box is preferable. In a closed litter box, cats do not see the danger coming. They may be uncomfortable and choose to relieve themselves outside. The litter box should be changed regularly. Scoop out the droppings. Change the entire litter box once or twice a week.
  • The living area consists of several elements. You need a basket or cushion for your cat to rest on. It is possible to have more than one. You should also have a cat tree or scratching post, and toys.

It is also important to give your cat time. If you can, take a few days off work when the cat arrives. If he is left alone, he will be lost!

How to gain a cat's trust?

Give the cat time

It's D-day, your cat is coming to live with you. A few hours before its arrival, make sure that everything is ready and that your home is secure. Doors and windows should be closed. Place the carrier in the living room and open it.

First, let your cat discover its new environment. All cats react differently during this first stage of their new life. Some don't dare to get out of their carrier, others will do so very slowly. Some cats come out and immediately look for a place to hide, others will immediately seek human contact. Stay available for your cat, but don't force it to do anything!

Putting your cat at ease

Sometimes, some owners think that hiding places should be blocked to encourage the cat to stay in the home. This is a mistake! Cats need well-placed hiding places to observe everything that is happening in their environment. Don't hesitate to create spaces for the cat in high places. Of course, you must make sure that your cat does not endanger itself!

Playing with your cat

Cats, especially young ones, are naturally playful. So even if your cat is in the background, you can use play to bond. A simple ball or a piece of string is all you need! The aim is to stimulate the animal and create a desire to come back to you. As the days and weeks go by, your cat will come to you!

Let your cat make the first move

It is possible that your cat will not come to you for petting in the first few days. Don't force it! It is not recommended to carry your cat to cuddle him. He will not appreciate your gesture. Let him come to you! When he decides to sit or lie down next to you, stroke him. If he refuses, don't insist. On the other hand, if he wants to touch you, don't refuse him!

Speak softly to your cat

To gain a cat's trust, you need to be calm and composed at all times. Avoid sudden gestures and shouting. If your cat is afraid of you, it will take much longer to gain its trust.

Call on a professional

If despite everything you have set up your cat remains distant, then you can make an appointment with a veterinarian. The goal here is to determine if your cat is fine. A cat that is not in great shape will not be able to flourish. Know that the veterinarian will also be able to advise you to improve your relationship with your feline.

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