By a rather quick shortcut, we associate a cat's cleanliness with its ability to relieve itself in its litter box. So much so that when he refuses to do so, we tend to think that he is unclean, or poorly trained. However, this is not always the case. Does your cat refuse to use the litter box? Let's see why and how to remedy the situation.

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Cleanliness in cats

Cleanliness in cats, and in this case, their ability to relieve themselves in a specific place, is called elimination. And this behaviour is not innate, unlike toilet training. It is a learning process that he does with his mother, during the first 7 weeks of his life.

At birth and during the first weeks, the mother licks the belly and the perianal area of the kitten to trigger excretion. After about 3 weeks, the cat has enough independence to start learning. It will then imitate its mother's behaviour and start using the litter box. This learning process will usually be completed between the 6th and 7th week, at the same time as weaning.

A cat that has learned the elimination phenomenon and the use of the litter box under these conditions will not usually need to be intervened. It will have integrated this behaviour and will reproduce it.

However, sometimes this is not the case and a cat refuses to use the litter box. Let's take a look at the main reasons for this refusal.

Good to know: cleanliness problems are the number one cause of cat abandonment and in extreme cases can even lead to requests for euthanasia. However, 90% of these problems are not caused by the cat, but by humans and their inability to understand their particular needs.

My cat refuses to use the litter box: why?

An unfinished apprenticeship

We don't always know our cat's past. Therefore, we don't necessarily know if his training has been completed.

If your cat has never wanted to use the litter box, it's possible that she didn't learn the elimination process by watching her mother. This often happens when a kitten has been separated from its mother too early.

Good to know: it is forbidden to sell or give away a kitten before it is 8 weeks old (article L 214-8 of the Rural Code). And conscientious professionals even recommend waiting until 12 weeks of age, to ensure that his education is complete.

A dirty litter box

One of the most common reasons why cats refuse to use their litter boxes is because of dirt. A litter box that is not cleaned regularly, that smells bad, is a real turn-off for your pet.

Some cats even refuse to use it, even though it contains only one poop.

The location

The choice of location is a key issue for cats. The right place for us, according to our own criteria (not seeing or smelling it), is not necessarily the most appropriate choice for him.

Your cat is a routine animal that does not like changes. So, when we move his litter box because the place no longer suits us, we change his habits, without taking into account the fact that his territory is methodically organised. The loss of his familiar landmarks can lead him to refuse his litter box.

Good to know: a cat's territory is structured into different zones. The one where he eats, the one where he rests, the one where he plays, hunts, spends his energy and the one where he relieves himself, which specialists call "the elimination zone". Sudden changes in these areas can be very disturbing.


Refusal to use the litter box is a common marker of stress and anxiety in cats. This can sometimes be accompanied by unusual behaviours such as urine marking, scratching, meowing or depression.

An unsuitable litter box

Your little friend is a complex animal that doesn't let its preferences be dictated. Simply placing litter in a container is not enough to get your cat to relieve herself.

Some cats refuse to use one litter box and will prefer another. Others don't like the size of the box, which they consider too small or too high. And it is possible that the cat refuses to use a closed litter box at all, or on the contrary, an open one.

Inappropriate litter

The cat's sense of smell is highly developed and highly sensitive. Many cats will categorically refuse scented litters that disturb their olfactory codes. Indeed, cats need smells to find their bearings, to reassure themselves, and identify places and the smells of their litter boxes are part of this.

The texture of the litter box should also be taken into consideration. Cats may have a preference for certain materials and textures and refuse others.

Good to know: France produces more than 400,000 tonnes of litter waste per year. And most of the litter sold is made from non-renewable materials (clay) and is not biodegradable. The manufacturing process is polluting and some contain toxic products for cats and for you (synthetic perfumes, fungicides, pesticides).

A disease

Urinary tract infections and cystitis are common in cats and can also cause this type of reaction.

They are usually caused by bacteria, but in the case of cystitis, stress, fear, trauma or shock can also be the cause. This is known as idiopathic cystitis (where the cause is unknown).

My cat refuses to use the litter box: what can I do?

Once you've identified the cause of this behaviour, it's easier to figure out what to do about it. Here are a few tips to help you get through it.


In the case of a failure to learn, you'll need to be patient and gentle with your child. Don't shout, don't punish him and don't rub his nose in it, it's only traumatic and totally ineffective.

Here are some tips to help you:

  • Spot when he is about to relieve himself when he scratches and sniffs in one place, approach him gently and put him gently in his litter box.
  • Repeat the operation, always gently, in the morning, evening, after naps and meals;
  • Scratch the litter box to show him how to do it;
  • Praise or reward him when he does the litter box.

The right box

The "right" litter box is not necessarily the most expensive. So there's no point in investing in an expensive box, especially if you're not sure your cat will adopt it.

Avoid closed boxes that concentrate bad smells and opt for an open box of a good size (the cat should not be cramped). And if your little friend is sulking, try another one!

Good to know: specialists recommend one litter box per cat +1. For one cat, count 2 boxes, 3 boxes for 2 cats, etc.

The right litter

Avoid scented litter and try out different materials. There are many ecological and economically sustainable alternatives in the form of vegetable litter. They are generally more absorbent and biodegradable.

Regular cleaning

Remove the excrement every day. Empty and clean the litter box completely every 2-3 days. Rinse it with warm water and use baking soda at the bottom of the box before putting the litter back in. Baking soda neutralizes odours and is harmless to your cat.

Choosing the right location

Don't put your cat's litter box in the area where he eats or sleeps. Find a quiet, secluded spot, away from noisy appliances and traffic, and one that is always accessible. Once your cat has become accustomed to it, do not move the litter box.

Managing stress

Understanding what causes stress in cats is the first step. If your cat doesn't have a medical condition but is showing signs of stress, giving her attention, taking time to play with her, and cuddling her can help calm her down.

Pheromones, phytotherapy or homoeopathy can also be valuable aids. But in any case, stress should always be treated, because if it lasts too long, apart from the discomfort it represents for your cat, it can generate or be a sign of more serious pathologies.

See a vet

It is essential to consult a vet if your cat refuses to use the litter box and you notice one or more of the following signs

  • Difficulty urinating;
  • Blood in the urine;
  • Moaning, complaints;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Diarrhoea;
  • Constipation;
  • Fever;
  • Depression.

These tips should help you solve this little problem. But if the problem persists, a behaviourist will help you find the best solution for your little friend.

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