No doubt, winter has indeed begun. Your cat will probably spend his days by your fireplace. But it's hard for him to resist the call from the outside! Even if your cat is resistant, winter is often synonymous with risks for him: he is more exposed to diseases and the risks of the cold. Discover our tips to help you take care of him and protect him during the winter.

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Beware of infectious diseases for your cat

Your pet has a natural protection against the cold: its coat. But when the thermometer drops sharply, your four-legged companion's immune system is more sensitive. The terrain is then more conducive to the spread of infectious diseases common in cats, such as coryza or gingivo-stomatitis.


The coryza: the cat's flu

If not vaccinated, your cat may be particularly exposed to coryza in winter. The risks are multiplied if your pet is used to going out and associating with other animals. Symptoms: fever, fatigue, sneezing. So do not take this disease lightly and consult your veterinarian so that he can quickly treat it.

Our advice: keep your pet warm at home to limit the risks.


Gingivo-stomatitis is an inflammation localized on the mucous membranes of the mouth (gums, pharynx ...). It can be very painful for your cat and is manifested by redness and sometimes bleeding from the oral cavity. If he contracts this disease, your cat can have considerable difficulty feeding, which is all the more dangerous during the winter since his nutritional needs are greater. If the inflammation is severe, consult a veterinarian who can prescribe antibiotic and anti-inflammatory treatment.

Like coryza, it is a virus from which you can protect your cat by vaccinating it. You can also limit the risk of infection by performing regular descaling. 

Be vigilant against the risks of cold

The cold season can be responsible for other inconveniences for your cat's health:

- Frost: your cat's pads are particularly fragile in the face of frost. When your pet walks outside, cracks may appear under its paws. You can protect them with petroleum jelly or a suitable protective ointment.

- De-icing products: Used to salt sidewalks and defrost, these formulas are also dangerous for your cat. Not only can he ingest them, but they can also burn his pads. So remember to inspect his paws when he comes in and clean them thoroughly with warm water or with a wipe.

- Snow: it can be responsible for digestive disorders (diarrhea, vomiting) if your cat ingests it.

Beware of fleas at the beginning of winter

In winter, fleas especially like to find refuge in homes. This is the time to be extra vigilant and renew your pet's preventive treatment. Also remember to regularly inspect its coat, to make sure that there are no parasites.


Our tips to protect your cat during the winter

A stitch in time saves nine! So that your cat can brave the cold safely, here are some actions to adopt:

- Food: if your companion spends part of his days outdoors, he needs to eat larger quantities to face the cold. So increase your rations a little and prefer more energetic foods, such as kibble richer in fat.

- Water: even in winter, it is also necessary to prevent the risk of dehydration in your cat. Be sure to leave water at his disposal and check that it does not freeze.

- Access to the house: your cat must be able to return as soon as he wants to get warm, especially at night. Give him easy and permanent access to the house. The cat box is for example a good option.

- Vaccines: a small check-up at the veterinarian will allow you to update all his vaccines, including the one against coryza. An additional security for a winter in the hair!

Even if your pet lives only indoors, winter can bring some annoyances. Does your cat lack appetite and enthusiasm? Beware of the onset of depression! Give your companion time and play with him. Stimulate his hunting instinct with suitable toys, such as fake mice. Leave several food points to encourage him to move around the house.

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