To be healthy, a cat needs a balanced diet. But when he decides to sulk his bowl, how to react? An illness, a stress, a change in diet... there are many causes that can explain why your cat refuses to eat. One thing is certain: whatever the reason, it is important not to wait before consulting your veterinarian.  

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How long can a cat stop eating?

An adult cat or kitten can do without food for about 24 hours. Be aware that beyond this period, without any source of food, he could die.

Nevertheless, we must not forget that cats are snackers, they enjoy making many small meals during the day. If your cat sulks his bowl and has access to the outside, it is possible that he has just found another source of food (and drinks!) thanks to neighbors or simply through hunting.

What are the possible causes?

The sudden loss of appetite of a cat often hides a problem in the animal or its environment. The most common causes of anorexia in cats are numerous.


A disease

A cat that is sick usually refuses to feed. It can be a digestive disorder, a dental problem (gingivitis, abscesses, etc.) preventing him from eating, or in the worst case, a serious illness.

A malaise

A cat that is not well in its environment can express its discomfort by stopping eating. A move, the arrival or a conflict with another animal, long days alone, the arrival of a child, are all situations that can cause your cat to become depressed or stressed, and therefore to stop eating (even his favorite treats).

Food he doesn't like

If you changed your cat's diet overnight, there's a good chance he'll stop eating. Any dietary change must be done very gradually so as not to disturb your cat, as well as its intestinal flora. It is therefore necessary to gradually incorporate the new kibbles to the old ones and make sure that your favorite pet supports them well.


How long can a sick cat go without eating?

Whether your cat is sick or not, he should not stay more than 24 hours without eating at the risk of endangering his health. However, it is true that a sick or elderly cat is weaker, its organism will bear even worse the absence of food. In order not to make him suffer, it is therefore necessary to act quickly!

Good to know

A cat that no longer eats can accumulate a large amount of fat in the liver and get intoxicated with it. This is called hepatic lipidosis. This disease can be fatal to the animal. It occurs after a more or less long fast and particularly affects obese cats.


What if my cat stops eating?

If your hairball sulks its bowl, you must try everything to open its appetite:

Offer him foods that he particularly likes.
Serve him fresh food. A pate or kibble that has remained in the open air for too long is less appetizing.
Warm its food slightly to bring out the flavors. Cats do not like cold food.
Make sure that his bowl is always clean, and that your feline has a bowl of fresh water.
Arrange his bowl in a quiet place and away from his litter.
Spend time with him.

When should I contact a veterinarian?

It is important to contact a veterinarian as soon as your cat has not eaten for two days, or has not been drinking for a maximum of ten hours. If you notice other symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, or swelling of the abdomen, it is important to consult your veterinarian promptly. The sooner it is taken care of, the faster it will be treated! 


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