Your cat is sick, he has diarrhea and you don't know if you need to worry? The causes of diarrhea in cats are varied, and they can be mild or severe. It is therefore important to know when you should consult your veterinarian! Discover the different causes, the signs that should alert you and the different treatments of this digestive disorder.

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Diarrhea in cats

Diarrhea is a digestive disorder that can affect your pet. It is manifested by the emission of unusual fecal matter, the substance of which is liquid or pasty. The cat's stool is then emitted more frequently and in larger quantities than normal.  

Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea is a non-specific symptom, that is, it is not associated with a particular pathology. The causes can therefore be multiple, and more or less serious.  

Viruses or bacteria

Certain infectious pathogens such as bacteria or viruses cause diarrhea in cats. The most common are:

  • Viruses: in particular, typhus. More rarely, diarrhea can be a consequence of feline leukosis and feline viral immunodeficiency (IVF).
  • Bacteria: salmonella infection.

Other metabolic or organic pathologies such as a tumor of the intestine, pancreatitis or certain thyroid diseases can also be the cause of chronic diarrhea.



Parasitic infestations are other common causes of diarrhea, mainly in kittens. Intestinal parasites such as roundworms, cestodes, or some protozoa may be responsible.


Diarrhea in cats can also result from a food problem. These are varied:

  • - A change of diet. The digestive transit of the cat is sensitive to changes in its food. If you want to change its kibble, you must make a food transition. It takes place over several days and consists of gradually incorporating the new diet into the old one.
  • - A food intolerance or allergy. If you have just changed his diet, the new food may contain an allergen that causes your pet's diarrhea.
  • - Poor quality food. Ask your veterinarian for advice to offer your pet an adapted diet and limit digestive disorders.
  • - Ingestion of foreign bodies or toxic food. Consumption of certain toxic products (such as certain human drugs) can lead to digestive disorders in cats.


The cat is a stress-sensitive animal. If urinary problems are the main manifestations of his anxiety, in rarer cases, it can also manifest as episodes of diarrhea. Changes in his habits can for example be at the origin of his anxiety. 

Symptoms associated with diarrhea in cats

Diarrhea can be acute (punctual), chronic (lasting more than 3 weeks) or intermittent (several long episodes repeating over time). It is often accompanied by other symptoms that can help diagnose the cause. The following signs are common:  

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain

The opinion of the veto

"The vomiting that accompanies diarrhea in cats worsens the clinical picture. Indeed, your cat then has difficulty ingesting enough fluid to compensate for the water losses related to diarrhea. There is then a significant risk of dehydration for your cat and you must quickly consult a veterinarian. 


 Treatments if my cat has diarrhea

 Specific treatments

The specific treatment is to fight the cause of diarrhea in your favorite feline. There are as many as there are causes that can explain diarrhea. Here are some examples of treatments for:

  • An infectious problem: the administration of antibiotics if the cause is bacterial.
  • A food problem: a change in your cat's diet. A more digestible (reducing the amount of stool) or hypoallergenic food may be offered.
  • A parasitic problem: administration of antiparasitics.
  • An anxiety problem: behavioral treatment, reduction of sources of stress for the animal.

Symptomatic treatments

Whatever the cause of diarrhea, symptomatic treatments can be put in place to relieve your pet of the different symptoms it manifests: painkillers, antiemetics (against nausea), gastric dressings, intravenous infusion (sugar and potassium), artificial feeding, etc.


Know when to consult

Here are the situations that should alert you and that should lead you to consult your veterinarian:

  • Observation of blood in diarrhea.
  • Diarrhea accompanied by other symptoms such as: apathy, temperature (the normal temperature of the cat is between 38 and 39 ° C), dysorexia or anorexia.
  • Diarrhea following the ingestion of toxic substances.
  • Persistent diarrhea for more than 24 hours.
  • Diarrhea accompanied by vomiting.
  • Cat with another chronic pathology such as IVF or renal failure.


Better protect your cat

There are several ways to protect your cat from certain causes of diarrhea:

  • Deworm your pet regularly.
  • Check the vaccination schedule.
  • Make a good food transition.

Despite these preventive actions, risk 0 does not exist and your cat may be confronted with different pathologies during his life. To better protect it, you can take out cat health insurance. It covers part of the veterinary costs and allows you to protect your cat while controlling your budget.


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