In English, this sport discipline for dogs is called "obedience", in French "obedience" or "canine obedience". It is the flagship discipline for training and educating your dog, taught in kennel clubs, just like agility. It was born thanks to the "American Kennel Club", an American canine association whose main mission is to promote purebred dogs. Canine obedience has its origins in working dog sports, including police and security dogs.

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How to train your dog and teach him the basic commands?

  • Seated:

According to the American Kennel Club, the sine qua non-condition for teaching your dog the "sitting" command is that he remains standing in front of you. If he does not come to you spontaneously, move closer, gently, and guide him with the leash to make him come where you want. Thus, you make your four-legged friend understand that he must obey you, without being too strict with him.

In order to teach your dog the "sitting" command, two methods are available to you. Choose the one that speaks to you the most:

1st method: kneel in front of your dog and prepare a treat in your hand, as a reward. Place the treat right in front of your dog's truffle and say "sitting" at the same time as you raise the treat gently, above his head. From now on, there's a good chance he'll sit upwards as soon as you say the word "sitting." If he steps back, gently put your hand on his hindquarters and have him sit down. Systematically reward him with a treat, whether he needed help to succeed in the dog obedience exercise or not.

2nd method: sit directly in front of your dog, place one hand on his chest and the other immediately behind his hind legs. Say "sitting" and gently press against his chest to get him to sit. As soon as he is seated, reward him with a treat.

  • Lying down:

You also have two possibilities to teach your dog the "lying down" command. Choose the most consistent one for you:

1st method: to train his dog and make him understand that he must lie down on command, kneel to his right and place your left hand on his shoulders. Then place your right hand just behind its front legs. Say "lying down" by gently pressing on his shoulders. Slide his front paws until your dog is lying down. Caress his back for a few seconds, to allow him to relax and encourage him to stay in this position. Praise him and let him enjoy a treat.

Use some kind of keyword that rings the end of the exercise. Let your dog get up, praise him and reward him again. Repeat the exercise several times, to bring your dog back to the lying position. From now on, your dog will take this position, as soon as you give him the order.

2nd method: place your left hand on your dog's shoulders while you present a treat with your right hand in front of his mouth. Say "lying down" and slowly place the treat on the ground between his paws. Then, slowly pull her forward to make sure she gets away from your dog. As soon as your dog is in bed, let him eat the treat.

  • Reminder:

This canine obedience command is intended to keep your dog in his position until you say the keyword to end the exercise or decide to make him do another trick. It is important that the commands you give your dog are well delineated by a beginning and an end, both clearly perceptible by your companion. Do not perform this exercise with food in your hand. This would only encourage your dog to follow you so that you give it to him. Train your dog to pass this command by being absent and saying the keyword as soon as you return. If you feel that your dog will abandon the position, repeat the command "stay".

Canine obedience: what dog training accessories?

Clicker training is a method based on the principle of positive reinforcement, which is based on scientific foundations. With the clicker, make your dog understand what you expect from him. The clicker is a dog training accessory that emits a particular sound, as soon as you click on the button.

At the same time, you can utter a specific word. According to critics of the clicker, the use of words would further strengthen the bond between a dog and his master. In the world of dog education, such as the American Kennel Club, the clicker is an accessory used very frequently.

A leash is also an essential accessory for training your dog, according to the recommendations of the American Kennel Club. Get your dog used to enjoying wearing his collar and being connected to his leash.

History of Canine Obedience

Working dogs have always learned to obey commands, which differ depending on the dog's field of activity. For example, sheepdogs have learned to guide their flocks in a direction indicated by their master. These dogs enjoy playing with Pezzi balls that they like to advance, recalling this faculty.

Obedience training and obedience test: what's the difference?

The biggest difference between these two disciplines is that a dog receives many more treats, as part of training, training. For example, the goal could be for the dog to perform better than in competition in order to receive rewards. Train your dog in obedience without systematic reward. At the end of each obedience session, still, reward your companion with a treat.

The discipline called canine obedience is characterized by very simple commands such as "sitting", as well as by high-level competitions, such as those practiced by the American Kennel Club, the United Kennel Club, and the Canadian Kennel Club. During these canine obedience competitions, the difficulty of the orders, the precision of the execution, and the general performance are all elements evaluated by the jury.

In order for the dog to be called "obedient" (as opposed to the designation "educated"), it must actually react to all the solicitations of its master. Masters take great pleasure in practicing this discipline alongside their dogs, especially if the latter is gifted in obedience. In the same way, dogs enjoy performing these exercises in the company of their master. If a dog is not very obedient, it can quickly become painful for his master and for his entourage. Finally, in society, it is extremely important that a dog obeys his master, in order to prevent a stressful situation from degenerating for example.

Canine obedience training: how long?

Training your dog through canine obedience exercises can be laborious and difficult. It depends on each dog, the method used, and the faculties of the master or trainer. The level of difficulty of the training will of course determine its duration. It is said that it is easier to train some purebred dogs than others. The German Shepherd and Border Collie are considered obedient dogs, which are easy to train. The detail to never forget when you practice canine obedience is regularity! Obedience training can serve as preparation for other dog training disciplines for your dog. It is essential that the dog and the master have a good relationship, for successful training, whatever its type. This bond can be strengthened by fun activities practiced together. When the owner and his dog form a good team and practice activities together, which they both enjoy, it improves their complicity! Once again, this is a sine qua non-condition for the smooth running of obedience sessions.

Surrounded by an active family, a dog can practice a wide range of activities. It is important that the dog shows his enthusiasm for the practice of these.

In general, the dog assimilates the basics of canine obedience six to ten weeks after the start of training. During this period, the master learns to communicate with his companion and to teach him the simplest commands. Most types of obedience training involve teaching your dog commands. Teaching your dog to walk properly on a leash is first obedience teaching. Once this teaching is assimilated, the dog can learn much more.

Canine obedience: suitable for all dogs?

Some dogs show more enthusiasm when their owner offers them tracking exercises. This can manifest as your dog looking for treats where he is, in order to reward himself (self-reward system).

The meaning and purpose of dog sports are of course to have a good time with your dog. This is obvious: you must both enjoy it! To judge his abilities in terms of dog sport, take a look at your dog's physique. It is said that dogs with relatively short legs are not made to run next to their master, on a bike. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact the breeder or your veterinarian. They will be able to advise you on the most appropriate dog sports for the physique of your little companion.

Before the obedience competition

Obedience training can in some cases lead to obedience competitions, for dogs and owners who wish to do so. Of course, there is no obligation. You can participate in obedience training just for fun and to teach your dog to be obedient.

If the master and the dog share great pleasure in practicing this discipline and they wish to participate in competitions, the master will have to pass an exam with his dog. This is a mandatory condition to be able to participate.

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