The hamster's cage is a very important element for its well-being. Indeed, this is where he will spend most of his time. It is a real little house for the hamster since the cage represents both his game and sports room, his kitchen, his toilet, and his room! Its layout must therefore be adapted and will correspond to the life you want to give to your pet.
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Between its location, its type and size, its accessories, and its maintenance, we give you all the advice you need to know in order to install your little companion in the best conditions.

Location of the hamster cage

If there is one point that we do not necessarily pay attention to when preparing to welcome a hamster into our home, it is the location of its cage. Quite often, the owners choose the place that suits them best. But it does not always correspond to the needs of the animal. The latter will have to adapt to a new environment when you arrive at your home and you must avoid any additional stress by installing it in an appropriate place. So what is the best location for his hamster's cage?

  • A peaceful place 

First of all, the chosen location will have to be quiet. Because the hamster is a nocturnal animal, which therefore tends to activate at night and sleep during the day. If his cage is placed in a place that is too noisy, his sleep may be disturbed and this may cause nervousness and stress in the little beast. 

In addition, electronic devices can broadcast ultrasound to which animals in general, and hamsters, in particular, are sensitive. The cage will therefore have to be installed at a distance from these waves. 

  • Not too hot or too cold

It should also be avoided to place the cage near a door that slams regularly, a television, or a stereo.

Next, choose a room with a constant and moderate temperature. Above all, the hamster should not be exposed to a source of heat. Whether it comes from the sun, a heater, or a chimney, excessive temperature can be dangerous for the animal. On the other hand, avoid damp rooms such as the bathroom, for example, exposed to drafts or equipped with air conditioning.

Jardiland tip: If you have other pets, be sure to keep them away from the rodent's cage. Because they can move it and jostle it, or just scare the hamster. Finally, opting for a bedroom as the location of the cage is risky for the quality of your sleep or that of your children ... Because of the nightlife of your little hairball!

Which cage to choose?

Many types of hamster cages exist. When adopting this animal for the first time, it is not easy to know how to make the right choice. The first thing to keep in mind, regardless of the type of cage, is to provide enough space for the rodent's needs. 

This one likes to spend and activate. It, therefore, needs a living space, spacious enough for it to flourish. If possible, take a habitat with an upper floor accessible by a ramp or small ladder, which will allow the animal to have more space to move around. The larger the cage, the better it will be for the animal!

How to equip the cage of his hamster?

A hamster cage can never be bought alone! It is essential to also acquire the accessories and utensils necessary for the well-being of your little ball of hair. 

  • Play and comfort accessories

First of all, these animals need a place to hide and sleep. You can make it or get a small house or shelter to place in the cage.

Should the material be plastic or wood? Plastic is less pretty but much more hygienic because it is easy to wash and disinfect. Wood gives a real natural and aesthetic side (in addition to better thermal insulation). On the other hand, it will be necessary to change it regularly because the animal will gnaw it and you will not be able to disinfect it.

He can be provided with cotton wool, straw, or hay to use to make a small cozy nest.

The hamster likes to exercise, play, sneak, and hide. It will therefore be necessary to try to install equipment to meet all his needs. There are full facilities and equipped playgrounds. In any case, the animal must be able to do a minimum of climbing, either by accessing one or two levels or with wooden branches on which it can climb. 

One of the inevitable accessories for the game is the wheel! It is advisable to take it full rather than with bars. Also remember to get wood to gnaw, such as small branches of hazel or chestnut by making sure they are healthy. You can buy wooden washers in pet stores, healthy and without treatment.

On the other hand, it is important to organize the rodent's cage as a dwelling: a game part, a refuge/sleep part, a toilet part, and a part dedicated to feeding. The latter must not be mixed directly with the litter. 

  • Food and water

The "kitchen" part of the hamster's habitat should be separated from the other elements of the cage. The food should not be positioned directly on the floor, but in a utensil (bowl, bowl), and the water should be easily accessible in a suitable container (water bottle).

The first accessory to have in the cage for feeding your pet is therefore a bowl, which will contain its daily food. There are different models on the market. Other utensils are possible, such as a hanging basket that you will garnish with vegetables, fruits, or hay.

The other essential accessory in a cage is the drinker, also called a rodent bottle. It attaches to the bars of the cage and allows the animal to drink water regularly. When it is installed, you will need to check that it works well and that it does not flow continuously otherwise the litter will get wet. The water should be changed every 2 or 3 days and be at room temperature.

What is the interest of the bottle compared to a bowl? There is no risk of drowning, nor a bowl of water spilled or filled with litter with an animal that could no longer drink.

Litter management and maintenance

A good living environment for your hamster goes through good litter, which is an essential component of the cage. The litter layer should be deep enough to absorb urine and for the hamster to have fun burying itself in it. In summer, check that it is not too thick because it will retain heat.

A hamster litter can be made of different materials. Hemp is the ideal material for your rodent. Indeed, hemp litter absorbs urine well and does not give off the dust, it also absorbs bad odors very well. Linen litter is also of good quality. A little more odorous than the first, it needs to be changed more often (every other day). Corn litter also has absorbent qualities and is not dusty. However, it is less gentle on the legs than hemp or flax.

When cleaning the cage, follow these steps:

  • take out the various accessories and utensils, which you will wash separately;
  • Remove used litter and discard it;
  • wash the cage using a non-odorous soap and let it dry;
  • place the new litter to a sufficient depth;
  • Finally, arrange all the accessories.

The litter box should be changed at least once a week. Try to remove daily feces and food that the hamster may have spread on his litter.

Jardiland tip: in the toilet area (often in a corner and opposite its shelter) you can arrange a mini litter box (hamster toilets are sold specifically in pet stores), it is filled with bath soil and is easy to clean every day for perfect hygiene.

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