He has a small tiger when he advances towards us, not felled. However, is the cat part of the tiger family? The answer is yes! The cat and the tiger both belong to the family of felines (felids) which has 38 distinct species. However, if the tigers are part of the subfamily of the panther (large felines), cats belong to that of the feline (small felines).

Does the cat have a relationship with the tiger

The big family of felids

The felines (felids) are carnivorous animals that are characterized by a round head, a short muzzle, facial vibrissae, retractile claws, and a jaw with around 30 teeth including canines and carnastored teeth. Only the Viverrin cat, the cat with a flat head, and the cheetah do not have retractile claws. They also have highly developed senses: view, hearing, and touching.

The Félidées family has three subfamilies: feline, pantherine, and saber tooth felines (machairodontinated, now missing). All the felines are digitigrade, that is to say, that they walk on their fingers. They share a common ancestor, Pseudaelurus, a prehistoric feline that lived in the Miocene (20 to 8 million years ago) in Europe, Asia, and North America.

The tiger and the pantherine

The tiger (Panthera tigris) constitutes a worthy representative of the pantherine or great felines. Also, are part of this sub-family the lion, the leopard, the jaguar, the snow panther (or the snow leopard), the nebula panther (or nebulous leopard), and the nebula of Borneo (Neofelis Diardi). The pantherinas are characterized by their capacity to roar rather than purring in connection with an anatomical particularity: a hyoid bone (above the larynx) in two parts.

They are also distinguished from the felt by their lying posture: the legs before the front of the body and the tail pulled on the back. Conversely, the felts roll up their tail around their body and fold their legs below.

The tiger is the largest feline: the Siberian tiger, called the "love tiger" measures almost 3 meters long and has a weight that can exceed 270 kg. The lion is placed in second place with an average weight of 200 kg and a size of about 2 meters.

The tiger lives in forests and high herbs in Asia, India, Indonesia, China, and eastern Russia. Dreaded predator, he hunts, in particular, deer, wild boars, monkeys, birds, and fish. He can absorb up to 18 kg of food in a single meal. Unfortunately, it is an animal victim of poaching for its skin and its organs (precious in Chinese medicine) which are the subject of a vast international traffic. The tiger is today, in danger of extinction. No less than 5 panthers have already been turned off.

Cat and feline

The cat (Felis Catus) is the only domestic feline. It belongs to the genus Felis. It meets, among the multiple species of small felines, the cheetah, the wild cat, the cat-tiger, the serval, the common lynx, the cat-leopard, and the puma. Note that four species of felts are already extinguished. The history of the cat and that of the man are intrinsically linked since the first attempts at domestication appeared in 7500 BC. J-C., In the Middle East.

The cat was also described in ancient Egypt where it was deified. It then made it possible to regulate the populations of rodents who attacked the cereal reserves of men.

Unlike the dog, the cat, however, has never been "trained" to perform certain tasks. It still has today a relative autonomy and distance from humans even if it has been scientifically proven that he was capable of attachment.

The cat has kept instinctual behavior from its wild past that any cat owner can observe daily. His hunter instinct is intact through the bird hunting and small rodents that he can deliver. He even sometimes puts her prey in your living room, like a pretty trophy! We can also observe his hunting instinct during game sequences where he scrutinizes the displacement of a fictitious prey (a toy, a piece of wool) before leaping on his back. He then presents the same behavior as his cousin tiger which, however, has nothing of a big cat.

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