It's decided, this year, you go on holiday with your dog! We know one who will be happy, he will be able to take long walks every day and discover a new environment. But going on holiday with your dog cannot be improvised! You have to organize it in advance and find the right addresses because unfortunately, dogs are not allowed everywhere...

Don't worry, Animalsgardens gives you tips and tricks for a furry holiday!

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What destination and what activities with his dog? 

On the agenda? Relaxation, beautiful discoveries, and privileged moments. The time has come to enjoy swimming, exotic hikes, an unusual weekend with your dog, or simply long walks in the fresh air...


If your dog loves water, he will be as happy on the beaches of Brittany as on those of Corsica or the Pacific ... Regardless of the destination, the program promises to be full! To you, the wild games of frisbee, hide and seek with crabs, jumps in the waves, and even paddle or canoe rides for the more adventurous. Keep in mind that some dogs are not great swimmers and need to be rinsed with fresh water to avoid possible itching caused by seawater. If you want to swim with him or if he feels like swimming alone, keep him under supervision. Just like us, dogs are not immune to drowning and can be surprised by the current. Remember to bring enough water to refresh it and make it drink regularly! Also beware of animal bites (jellyfish, sea urchins, live...) and parasites, especially fleas that tend to proliferate in the sand. Finally, Make sure the beaches are not off-limits to our dog friends. It is therefore advisable to inquire to find seaside resorts equipped or close to a "dog-friendly" beach.


Rivers, forests, lakes, clean air, and high peaks (snow-capped or not!) also have multiple attractions for our 4-legged companions. In winter, the alpine ski slopes are logically forbidden to them, but nothing prevents you from organizing a cross-country ski or snowshoe ride with your companion! Remember to protect him from the cold: despite his coat and thick pads, your pet also needs to be covered to face snow, ice, and negative temperatures. In summer, you are in the ideal setting for long hikes, if the health and physical condition of your pet allows it.


In the countryside, dogs usually feel in their element. Apart from insect bites and spikelets, these small dry plants are particularly harmful to canids, and the dangers are rare. It is the serene spirit that you can take long walks in the fields and in the woods, with the certainty that he will appreciate as much as you this relaxing break!

A dog on vacation must be well educated

Traveling with a dog is good, but a well-educated dog is even better. A dog that barks, who does not know how to stay alone wisely without doing stupid things, who pulls on his leash, who does not obey orders, in short nothing worse for your holidays to turn into a nightmare... In addition, as long as the chosen holiday location is very busy, it will be necessary to be more vigilant to the risk that your dog puts himself in danger.

With a well-educated and wise dog as a picture: the dream holiday is yours!

In addition, with a well-educated dog, you will be able to enjoy it more and sleep soundly. On the program: beautiful walks by the water or in the forest, stroll on the beach or play stick with your dog, visits to tourist sites, can paddle, swimming...

You will understand, to spend a good holiday with your dog, is nothing like a well-trained dog!

How to travel with your dog? Which transport?

To go on holiday with your dog, several possibilities are available to you. Indeed, you can leave with different means of locomotion depending on the destination:
  • By car: If you opt for this means of transport, plan a cage or a carrying bag in which your dog can travel safely. Also remember to put the seat belt around it because yes, just like humans, dogs must also be fastened. It is written in the law: "Every passenger in a motor vehicle must wear a seat belt." The dog is considered a passenger of the car and must therefore also be. 
  • By train: If you are traveling with a small dog, you can put it in a carrying bag. But if you are traveling with a large dog, you will need a leash and a muzzle, mandatory on trains in France. And above all, don't forget to buy your dog a ticket before you leave!  (from 7€)
  • By plane: Namely, it is not the most popular means of transport for dogs, but depending on the destination, you may not have a choice. In this case, provide a transport crate to IATA standards for your dog because he will have to travel in the hold. In some companies, if you have a very small dog, it can travel with you in the cabin in a suitable transport bag but will not have to leave it. 
  • By ferry: Some ferry companies are dog-friendly and will therefore be a good alternative to flying if possible, for some trips.

Prepare the suitcase of his 4-legged companion

Just like you, your dog will also need some stuff to go on vacation. Animalsgardens has made you a list of what your dog will need during his holidays with you:

  • A collar or harness with an identification tag and a leash
  • A foldable travel bowl, preferably otherwise a classic bowl will do the trick
  • Kibble for the journey and the entire stay on site
  • One or two toys so he can have fun on the beach or in the accommodation
  • A microfiber towel (for the beach or shower if necessary)
  • If you go in summer, plan something to cool your dog to avoid heat stroke (mist, dog bottle, cap, sunscreen for dog...)
  • A small basket not very bulky if possible, otherwise, a blanket will suffice

Find ideas for activities to do with your dog

It's all well and good to go sightseeing, but your dog would also like to do activities that he enjoys. 

So depending on your vacation spot, we offer you a small list of ideas for activities to do with your dog:

  • Visit a cave: in summer, it's the best way to find a little freshness!
  • Take long walks and hikes: in the mountains, in the forest, or at the beach (favor walks in the morning or evening so as not to succumb to the heat). This will be an opportunity for him to discover new smells.
  • Play sports with your dog: it's a fun way to enjoy your holidays. You can, for example, do canicross, can VTT, bike, skateboard, or Rollerblades with your dog. You will see he will definitely love it! And if it's summer and it's too hot, you can do water activities such as can paddle or canoeing; Perfect activities to find to cool off. 
  • Have a picnic in the evening on the beach, nothing better to rest after long walks
  • Play frisbee by the sea, do not hesitate to refresh it in the water at the same time

Leaving without your dog: what solutions? 

After weighing the pros and cons, it is sometimes better to consider leaving without your faithful companion. Whether it is a choice or an obligation, rest assured, there are many responsible childcare solutions adapted to your hairball! This momentary separation will go best if you take care to plan things. 

  • For obvious reasons, entrusting your pet to a loved one remains a simple and reassuring solution that has the advantage of not costing much. It is also the most frequently preferred by dog owners who want their pets to stay in a familiar environment. Take a look at your acquaintances: it is quite possible that a family member, friend, neighbor, or co-worker will be ready to welcome your protégé into their home. 
  • If your pooch is more of a homebody, you can also opt for home care... Of course, make sure that a member of your entourage visits him daily to feed him, take care of him and check that everything is okay. 
  • Finally, there are more and more solidarity childcare platforms, dedicated to animal lovers and based on volunteering. 
Other solutions exist, for a fee: 

  • Pet sitting or home-sitting, 
  • Reception in boarding for dogs, 
  • Approved host family. 
Always focus on the solution and the people you are most comfortable with. You will be able to enjoy your break with peace of mind, knowing that your Loulou is in good hands!

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