Cats, like humans, are able to feel emotions, but they are very different from what we are able to experience. In reality, cats do not have the capacity to be jealous, but the arrival of a new occupant in the home, whether animal or human, can disturb or displease them.

The resulting behaviors are indeed close to what we humans call jealousy. Here are the 5 signs that may make you think that your cat is jealous, or at least, very unhappy to see an intruder enter its territory.

Sign n°1: aggressiveness

Does your cat suddenly become aggressive after the introduction of a new animal, or human, into its environment? He probably doesn't like his new companion and lets you know. He can show his aggressiveness against you or against the new kid without distinction.

In this case, it will be necessary to isolate your cat in a room where he can relax, without feeling threatened and let him out when he is calmed down. After a while, he will eventually get used to his new roommate, whether it's a cat, a dog, a guinea pig, or a boyfriend.

Sign n°2: it becomes sticky

Your four-legged friend follows you everywhere, comes on your lap at the first opportunity, or tries to grab you as soon as he can? He undoubtedly seeks to draw your attention to him in order to show the newcomer that you belong to him!

To make him let go, show him that you are always caring by playing regularly with him and cuddling him. He must understand that love is not divided, but multiplied. You are available to everyone around you.

Sign n°3: it avoids you

Your cat, usually so affectionate, suddenly moves away from you? Perhaps a little sadness is behind this new behavior. Give him more attention to show him that you still love him. Play with him, stimulate him, caress him...

If nothing helps, do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian, isolation can also be a sign of a pathology. Indeed, a stressed, anxious, or sick cat will tend to hide and be discreet. It's not always about jealousy.

Sign number 4: become dirty

An indignant cat will show you this. If he starts defecating everywhere in your home and especially in his litter box, it is because he has a problem with his new roommate. And if he comes to pee on your new wife's clothes, the message is clear!

This behavior should disappear quickly as soon as he gets used to his new friend. You need to be patient and show that he belongs to the house. However, if the newcomer is another cat, feel free to install two litter bins so that each person has their own. This will help you avoid regional issues.

Sign number 5: it seems that he no longer tastes anything

Your four-legged boyfriend seems indifferent? He spends his time sleeping, does not play anymore, hardly eats anymore, or, on the contrary, becomes bulimia? It is essential that you react as quickly as possible so as not to endanger your cat's life.

Try to motivate him to the maximum, play and hit him to show him that you are always there for him. If this behavior continues, despite your best efforts, you should consult your veterinarian quickly to prevent your cat from drowning in a depression that can be fatal.

The cat is a regional who instinctively wants to defend his 'home'. So we will not really talk about jealousy. He will be able to express in different ways his dissatisfaction after the arrival of an intruder in his environment. It is clear that it will be necessary to pay attention to this so as not to be disturbed.

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