Does your dog smell bad or his coat feels dirty? It's time for grooming! This mandatory step in the life of the animal is often feared by the masters.

Fear of doing wrong, of not knowing how to act in front of a recalcitrant dog, of hurting it, of not washing it enough, of putting it everywhere, or of being bitten, these fears are felt by many dog owners. However, grooming can be a pleasant moment and great complicity between the animal and its master and its practice is not as complex as it seems. Here are some tips to help you.

Why is it important to groom your dog?

Grooming is essential for the good health of your dog. A lack of hygiene leads to the appearance of bad odors, the invasion of parasites, the formation of gingivitis and/or otitis, etc. Moreover, the poor hygiene of the dog affects his morale and physical condition. If parasites and pain caused by otitis or gingivitis can annoy the animal, it is enough to have too long nails to stop wanting to run and seek to reduce its movements. If his hair falls in front of his eyes, he may misperceive what surrounds him and thus fear more danger or feel threatened at the slightest noise.

Grooming is also recognized for its educational virtues. Indeed, within the couple formed by the dog and his master, the latter appears as the dominant, because he imposes the time of grooming. Dogs need this social relationship. As part of the group, the dog needs to distinguish a relationship between dominant and dominated; Thus, if his master subjects him to grooming, the educational relationship operates naturally. On the other hand, a master who fails to force his dog to groom himself, or who is not involved in this process, will have difficulty imposing himself as dominant. This explains why some dogs are aggressive towards their master while they are very docile with a groomer. It is not that the animal refuses to groom; The master has not been able to impose his place and the dog refuses this hierarchy.

It is therefore essential to accustom your dog to the ritual of grooming from an early age. He will be more docile and obedient towards you. It is also a mark of great confidence on the part of the animal. By cleaning him, you prove your love and you give him back his trust.

The main stages of dog grooming

It is not necessarily necessary to go to a professional grooming salon to take care of your dog. You can do it yourself at home, you just have to have the right equipment and make the right gestures.

Before the bath: dog care

Prepare all your tools beforehand. When grooming, your dog will be patient, but it is not useful to abuse it by looking for what you need. Be prepared, grooming will go better and will be much more pleasant for the animal.

Start by brushing your dog all over his body, from his neck to his tail. Brushing should be done regularly for the well-being of your pet. The brush must be adapted to properly remove dead hair from its coat. During this step, praise and encourage him. If he has been particularly calm and docile, do not hesitate to give him a treat.

Using a pair of round-tipped scissors, cut the knots remaining in his hair to bring him more comfort. Indeed, these knots can pull on its epidermis or hang dirt. If you find that skin irritation has formed under a knot and you suspect an infection, take your pet to the vet.

Then clean his eyes with a product suitable for dogs. Some breeds of dogs have particularly watery and dirty eyes, devote the necessary time to them. Remove the hair from his eyes with round-tipped scissors, being very careful not to hurt him.

Then clean his ears using a suitable solution that you will apply to a cotton ball. Wipe off the dirt you see on the outside and inside of the ear, gently so as not to hurt or irritate it, and without going too far so as not to push the wax into the inner canal. Reward your dog after this, often unpleasant ordeal. If you notice any abnormality in the eyes or ears, consult the veterinarian.

Then brush your dog's teeth with suitable toothpaste. This step can be difficult. If your dog is looking to bite you, let it go. But if he lets himself do it, do not hesitate to repeat it regularly to avoid the risk of gingivitis. Place a dab of toothpaste on your finger and apply it to his teeth. Lightly rub his teeth with the tip of his index finger and then pass the toothbrush for a few seconds. Reward him if he has been docile.

Trim his claws with a dog nail clipper. Remove only the end (about 1.5 mm) to relieve it. Never touch the central pink part where the vein is located, you will make it bleed.

The dog's bath

For this step, equip yourself with the necessary to have everything at hand: shampoo suitable for dogs, several towels, a non-slip mat if the bottom of the bathtub is slippery, and treats.

Fill the tub with warm water so as not to run the water while it is there, as it will stress him more.

Wet your dog completely with the shower head or a small bucket. Apply the shampoo on his body, from his neck to his paws by rubbing gently with your hands. If your shampoo is thick, dilute it in a little water; It will then be easier to apply and rinse.

Use a damp towel to wash his head. Avoid any product near their eyes, ears, and muzzle.

Rinse until soap and dirt are removed. Then dry it with a dry towel while it is still in the bathtub. Put a towel on his back and let him scramble away. Then use another dry towel to remove any remaining moisture. If your dog agrees, use a hair dryer for complete drying. Be careful, the hair dryer must be in a position of strength and minimum heat! If your dog refuses it, do not force it and let it dry alone in a place where it is not likely to dirty.

After bathing: the size of the coat

If your dog's hair is long, it's probably time to trim it. This step is not necessary for every grooming, it all depends on how fast his hair grows.

Wait until its coat is dry to prune it. Equip yourself with the appropriate equipment so as not to hurt him and learn to do the right gestures, especially by questioning a groomer. Your scissors should be sharp, so as not to pull on your dog's hair.

Go slowly, with simple gestures, in the direction of hair growth. Start with the neck. Move down to the shoulders, throat, and torso. Finish with its back and flanks. Finally, trim the hair of its paws with caution, because it is a sensitive area. If you feel the scissors heating up, pause and let them cool.
Then reward your dog.

Some tips and good gestures for a perfect grooming

  • Take breaks as soon as your pet expresses the need. If you force him to continue, he may stress and not let it happen, or even be aggressive. Go at his own pace, grooming is not necessarily a pleasant moment for him.
  • Do not hesitate to immobilize it with a leash that is not afraid of water during bathing and trimming the coat. This can help tranquilize it.
  • Ask a professional groomer for advice. He will be able to tell you the right gestures and the necessary care according to the breed of your pet.
  • If you use the hair dryer, make sure that its strength and warmth are adjustable in order to put them on the minimum.
  • Regularly reward your dog if he is docile, but only in this case!
  • If you notice any irritation, injury, or suspicious mark, take him to the vet immediately.
  • Get your dog used to bathing from an early age so that this moment is pleasant for both of you.
  • Don't wash your dog too often. Wait until it is dirty or its hair smells bad. In general, a bath every 2 to 3 months is sufficient.
  • Prepare well in advance so that you have everything on hand, it will stress your pet less.
  • Use only products and tools suitable for dogs. Shampoos, skin care products, or scissors for humans are not suitable!

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