The cleaning of the litter is, together with the tray and the substrate, an important criterion for a good "litter environment". The litter box is where the cat leaves odors, which act as markers in the environment. The litter must therefore maintain a clever balance of cleanliness and cat odors.

So, with which product to clean and how often? This is the subject of this article!

On the same theme, also discover my articles, "Which litter to choose for my cat?" and "Which litter box should I choose for my cat?".

Good reading.

How often should I clean the litter box substrate?

This obviously depends on your substrate, and the number of cats you have, but for a clumping type substrate, we will remove the stools and pee clumps at least once a day, and we can re-level the substrate. of litter, approximately every two days. Ditto for non-clumping substrates, although some litters just require, once the stools have been removed, to be stirred to "aerate" the grain.

Tip: The secret to easily cleaning clumping litter is how much substrate you put in. In the article "Which litter should I choose for my cat?" I advise you to put 10-15 cm for the following reason: when there is a good thickness of litter, the cat's pee does not go to the bottom of the tray and the ball that forms is easier to remove with the shovel, you just have to go under the ball. If you put little litter, your cat's pee will spread on the bottom and you will have to remove "wider", more substrate, than with the previous method. Which will therefore ultimately prove to be less economical than putting more ;)

When to clean the box and completely empty the litter?

An average of once a month is usually required, but again this depends on how often your cat(s) use the litter box.

Tip: When we empty the litter box, before cleaning, we will keep the equivalent of two shovels of the remaining litter, but the clean part of course. We will incorporate this mixture into the new substrate that we have put back, once the tank has been cleaned: the cat will thus more easily find its smell, its marks, which will be less anxiety-provoking for it!

With which products to clean the litter box?

Be sure to thoroughly clean the tank by rubbing. You can use hot water and baking soda. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and then dry the tray carefully with a towel or dishcloth, for example. (No bleach, in addition to its toxicity, if not rinsed thoroughly, it will disturb the olfactory environment of the cat). For pees outside the litter box, we can use white vinegar, which cats hate, and which can prevent this place from becoming a "reminder spot" where your cat would regularly come back to pee. But be careful, do not abuse it and rinse with plenty of clear water because it can also scramble your cat's olfactory map, stress it and on the contrary increase the phenomenon...

On the organic side, several brands offer natural and ecological products. They are biodegradable, deodorize and disinfect the litter box. Here are three brands whose products you can easily find on the internet: Ecosharkz Animal, Probisa, Saniterpen. I advise you again to rinse well afterwards with hot water, to remove as much product residue as possible.

If you are against all products, all you have to do is heat the kettle and clean your tray with boiling water, no more bacteria, but watch out for burns!!

Litter and pregnant women: toxoplasmosis

I often get inquiries from pregnant women who worry and hear a lot about the potential dangers of litter. They are real, mainly due to toxoplasmosis which can develop there (it can also be caught in contact with raw meat). First of all, you have to know that many women are immune and are unaware of it. Then, you can ask your spouse to change the litter during this period, otherwise gloves should protect you.

Finally, I have a solution to offer you that will completely solve the problem: these are KIVIKS bags, which sit on the tray and filter the soiled litter from the clean litter without even coming into contact with the grains.

Which litter mat to choose?

For your environment and the overflows of your cat at the exit of the litter box, it is recommended to have a carpet in front of the exit of the box.

For the size? See how far your cat drags the litter grains around the box and you will have approximately your answer. ;)

Also remember to choose it non-slip and with small bumps so that it rids the cat of grains when it goes out.

The litter scoop

To properly clean your litter box, you need to be well equipped. It is best to have a solid scoop for non-clumping litter and a scoop with slots for clumping substrate. For my part, and having a clumping litter, I chose a shovel whose slots are quite clever since they also retain any small aggregates that could nevertheless come loose.

Where to dispose of excreta, urine and stool?

For biodegradable litter, if the cat has no disease, compost or the toilet will do, but only for pee, not feces! (Warning: for compost such as toilets, the marks indicate if it is possible, if it is not indicated I do not recommend it)

For conventional litter boxes, the trash can is the only option.

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