Following a visit to the veterinarian, your cat ends up with a collar. In a majority of cases, this medical device is accepted by felines. However, it happens that an animal does not support this protection. How to react to this rejection? When to worry? When to consult your veterinarian again? Here are the signs to watch out for, the ones to alert you, and the solutions to help your companion.

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Why should a cat be collared?

There are many reasons to have a collar on your cat. A veterinarian can prescribe this protection in several situations.

After a surgical operation. The collar is then very useful so that the animal does not tear out its stitches. It is necessary even if it is impossible to put a bandage on the operation area.

While a wound is healing. If your cat has been injured, bitten, or has an abscess, the collar will give the wound time to heal. If he is constantly on it, the healing process is too long and the risk of infection increases.

In the case of skin pathology. Whether the cause is parasitic, allergic, or behavioral, it is possible that your feline scratches frantically to the point of injury. In this case, the collar will help prevent lesions and infections.

If your veterinarian recommends a collar, you should follow this advice. Even if your pet will not feel well at first, in the long run, the benefits are real.

The different types of collars

Although one type of collar is widely used, there are different types of collars. The most common is the classic collar, which looks very much like a lampshade. The so-called carcan takes the form of a plastic cone. It can be opaque, but most often, for the cat's comfort, it is transparent. The feline's head is surrounded by a collar whose diameter and depth are adapted to its needs. The animal can eat and drink, but cannot lick itself.

There are other collars, but they are much less used. Among them, there are the moon collar and the inflatable collar which work on the same principle. This collar allows the cat to eat and drink, but also to scratch and partially lick itself. The device is recommended if the animal cannot reach the area to be protected. For example, if your cat has been sterilised, this collar is suitable. The cone is still the best option for head or paw injuries.

The collar: a source of problems

My cat isolates itself

Sometimes cats can't stand the collar. In the most serious cases, your cat isolates itself and refuses to eat. In this case, you should be worried! Indeed, if he has a collar, it means that he has just undergone a trauma. You should not accumulate sources of discomfort. Make an appointment with your vet immediately and try to find another solution together.

My cat is injured by the collar

With a collar, your feline will be limited in his natural movements. It is possible that he will hurt himself. This situation is common with very energetic cats and those who have access to the garden. Try to limit your cat's movements while it is wearing the protection. If your cat is cut or injured by the collar, it should be removed immediately. The risks are lower with an inflatable collar. You can therefore change the collar. In any case, don't use a poor quality protection. Choose the one recommended by the vet, even if it costs more.

My cat is allergic to the collar

Whether you have chosen a traditional collar, a moon collar or an inflatable model, your cat may develop an allergy. Rest assured, there are hypoallergenic devices available. You can ask your vet for this type of device. Your vet will also suggest a treatment to alleviate any skin irritations your cat may have.

My cat is in pain

The reason why a collar is suggested or even imposed is to prevent your pet from touching its wounds. If you notice that your pet is still trying to reach the protected area, you should check that he is OK. It is possible that the pain is unbearable. In this case, you should give him painkillers. If the discomfort persists, make an appointment with the vet. It is also possible that the wound is not healing well. It should be monitored every day!

Be careful! Sometimes the itching is intense in this case, you should not give in and remove the collar. When a wound heals, it itches. You must be patient. Reassure and cuddle your cat.

The collar is too tight

You are not a veterinarian or a professional. It is quite possible that you have put the collar on wrong. Ask the vet at your appointment how to put the collar on. It should not be too tight as the cat may suffer. On the other hand, if it is too wide, your cat will know how to remove it. If your cat wears a collar, it is possible to use it as a marker.

Alternatives to the collar

If your cat really can't stand the collar, you need to find an alternative. But which one? There are several solutions available to you. Of course, you'll need to discuss the possibilities with your vet, taking into account the cat's condition and personality.

If your cat wears a collar to protect a wound, it is possible to opt for a bandage. This should be well done to protect the wound as much as possible. You can also put honey or a mixture of essential oils on the wound. In both cases, he will not want to touch it. Your vet can suggest sprays. If your cat has behavioural problems, medication can replace the collar. This is the case if your cat is scratching frantically due to stress.

Finally, it is possible to simply change the collar model. Great efforts have been made to improve the well-being of cats and dogs that have to wear this protection. The formats are more ergonomic and the materials more pleasant.

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