Many cats like to enjoy the gentle warmth of the sun's rays, comfortably seated on the hood of the car or on the balcony. But in the middle of summer, in very hot weather, they can quickly get tired of it, and suffer from sunburn or heatstroke. In this article, we present five valuable tips that will help you protect your cat from high heat.

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Protecting your cat in summer: the right sun cream

Few people know it, but it's a fact: cats can also get sunburned in hot weather! It's easy to imagine that hairless cats such as the sphynx can suffer from sunburn. But what about cats with a classic coat? Cats have a less dense coat on their muzzle, ears, and belly than on other parts of their body. These areas are therefore more sensitive to the sun's rays. Too much or too long exposure to the sun can lead to skin inflammation. Cats with light coats and short hair are more prone to sunburn.

The first signs of sunburn in cats are redness, increased skin sensitivity, and severe itching. In more severe cases, cats suffering from sunburn may experience symptoms of nausea and painful skin lesions, sometimes blistering.

To protect your cat from sunburn, apply sunscreen to sensitive areas of the skin that are particularly exposed to the sun. Choose a high factor, hypoallergenic and fragrance-free sunscreen to avoid any risk of irritation.

Freshwater as much as you want

On hot summer days, your little friend will drink more water. If your cat drinks too little, it can become dehydrated. To encourage your cat to stay hydrated on hot days, consider the following tips:

  • Place several water bowls or water fountains in your home.
  • change the water in the bowls daily
  • Place several containers in the garden to encourage outdoor cats to drink more regularly when outdoors.
  • serve unsalted chicken or beef broth to your cat
  • supplement your cat's kibble with high water content cans or sachets

Shady spots for your cat

In summer, dark floors and tarmac roads retain a lot of heat, and it can be almost unbearable for cats to put their paws on them. To keep your floors cool, you can place light-colored or slightly damp blankets on them. To help keep your cat cool, you can provide a cooling mat or offer to put your cat in the shade under a parasol.

Do you have a house cat and not an outdoor cat? Open the windows at night or in the early morning to let fresh air into your home. During the day, it is advisable to lower the shutters and/or close the curtains in order to limit the room temperature and prevent your cat from getting too hot.

A cooling pond

Cats and water often don't mix! But in summer, during heat waves, cats can quickly become much more interested in water. Offer your cat several ways to cool off:

Outdoor cats will be happy to find a small pool of cool water or a watering system in the garden. If your cat lives exclusively in a flat, offer him a cool bath or a wet towel.

You can also effectively cool your cat with ice cubes. To make them more interesting to your cat, place a treat in the middle of the ice cube.

Protect your cat from parasites in the summer

Summer is the season for ticks and mites, which are particularly fond of high temperatures. They are most often found in tall grass and shrubs. These parasites can transmit infectious diseases to your cat, which are dangerous to its health. It is therefore essential to protect your outdoor cat with a pest control product, ideally in the spring.

There are different types of antiparasitics, in different forms, to be renewed more or less frequently, depending on their dosage:

  • antiparasitic collars limit the number of tick bites and generally last several months
  • spot-ons or anti-parasite pipettes consist of a product to be applied to the back of your cat's neck, which is then spread over its coat
  • Parasite tablets are administered orally and kill the parasites after the bite

For more information on the ingredients, dosage, and potential side effects of cat pest control products, please ask your vet for advice.

Help your cat regulate its temperature

In summer, enjoy cuddling moments with your cat to relieve it. Here are two simple tips to do him good:

  • - Brush your cat: with the heat, your cat loses its hair to constitute its summer coat. Even if it manages to clean itself by licking itself, it may be that some hairs do not come off properly and form packages that will keep it warm. Do not hesitate to gently pass a brush over his coat to remove stagnant bristles. In addition, brushing will help him to ventilate his skin and thus regulate his temperature. 
  • - In case of very hot weather, do not hesitate to pet your cat with a washcloth or a damp towel, but not icy. Enough to combine refreshment and complicit moment!

The little advice: beware of open windows

In the event of a heatwave, your interior becomes unbreathable and you tend to leave the windows open. Keep a close eye on your pet and be careful that your cat does not fall! For added safety, you can close the shutters or add mosquito nets.

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