If you have a cat, you must have tick clips, especially if your companion has a habit of going outside. Ticks are small parasites of the mite family. They transmit diseases that can be very dangerous for our pets. If you notice the presence of one or more ticks on your cat, they must be removed immediately. How to proceed? Here's use a tick clip.


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 Ticks: a danger for cats

All about ticks

Ticks, also known by their scientific name ixodida, are metastigmatic mites of the order Arachnid mites. There are 896 species! Ticks are considered large parasites. They can measure up to 6 mm. Because ticks are ectoparasites, ticks live on the body of a host. They cling to the cat's hair and then hoist themselves up to reach the skin. With their hooks, called rostrums, ticks feed on the blood of the animals on which they live. With their saliva, they can transmit diseases.

Tick bites: what are the dangers?

One of the most common consequences of a tick bite is allergy. The saliva of these mites is highly allergic. It can result in hives, dermatitis, edema or even worse anaphylactic shock.

In addition to the risk of allergy, tick bites can transmit diseases. The best known is Lyme disease. This infectious disease is also called borreliosis. The longer the tick remains attached, the higher the risk. Lyme disease is transmitted if the parasite remains hooked for more than 48 hours.

Among the other diseases, there are the following.

  • Ehrlichiosis which is an infectious disease transmitted by brown ticks. It causes a blood infection.
  • Anaplasmosis which is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilum.
  • Piroplasmosis is a so-called vectorial disease caused by a blood parasite of the protozoan family, the Babesia.

Diseases caused by a tick bite are potentially dangerous. It is important to recognize the signs. Among them, there are:

  • Fever that can be moderate or high,
  • Depression and fatigue
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss,
  • Vomiting,
  • Joint pain (arthritis and polyarthritis),
  • The presence of blood in the urine.

All these diseases are often difficult to diagnose. The incubation period can be long. That of Lyme disease can reach 5 months! Anemia is also one of the consequences of tick bites.

How to prevent ticks in cats?

 Because ticks are dangerous, prevention is required. It is important to give your cat an antiparasitic treatment every 3 months. This takes the form of a pipette that is applied to the neck. Also remember to brush your cat regularly. If he has ticks, you will quickly realize it. However, if the parasite remains attached for more than 24 hours, the risk of disease transmission is higher.

Your cat goes out in your garden? Mow regularly. The taller the grass, the more ticks are present. Vigilance is required in spring and autumn, when temperatures are mild and humidity is high. Remember to wash your cushion and plaids regularly at more than 60 ° C.

How to properly use a tick puller on your cat?

If you notice a tick on your cat, you need to act quickly. To remove the parasite, use a tick puller, that is, tick pliers. These small tools, in the shape of a crowbar, are sold in supermarkets, pharmacies and pet stores. It is not uncommon for tick pullers to be sold in pairs.

Here's how to use a tick puller correctly.

Identify the location of the tick.
Hold your cat firmly. If he doesn't let it happen, get help!
Slide the tick puller hook under the tick. You need to be as close to the skin as possible.
Perform a circular motion to remove the tick. Do not shoot the parasite, you risk tearing off its head.
Repeat this gesture if you have not managed to remove the tick.
Disinfect the skin.

Mistakes to avoid when you want to remove a tick

Many people think that it is necessary to apply ether or alcohol to put the tick to sleep. It's a mistake! The tick can regurgitate and contaminate your cat. For the same reasons, it is forbidden to pinch a tick. To easily remove the parasite, it is imperative to take a tick puller of the right size.

Of course, one should not shoot the tick. It is possible that the head will detach from the body. If this happens, you should bring tweezers and remove it. Is the operation too difficult for you? Make an appointment with your veterinarian. In addition to making sure that the entire tick is removed, he will offer you analyzes to make sure that your cat has not caught any disease. He will also apply an antiparasitic.

Once you have removed the tick, it must be killed. To do this, place the parasite in alcohol or burn it. This step is very important because the parasite can bite your cat again if you just throw it on the ground.

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