In cats as in humans, the eyes are particularly sensitive organs and exposed to a whole range of risks. Our friends the cats can have many eye disorders that can have multiple origins (viral, bacterial, parasitic, traumatic, etc.), including other diseases. If prevention is important, it is above all essential to act as it should be in case of eye problems in the animal. But what can these disorders be? How to detect them? What to do when his little companion is affected? When should I consult the veterinarian? Let us take stock of this issue.


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 What are the possible eye disorders in cats?

The cat's eyes are sensitive organs that can be prone to various disorders. Here are the most frequent ones.

Cat cataract

This disease can be hereditary or caused by uveitis. The lens of the eye gradually becomes opaque, which reduces the ability of light rays to reach the retina. As a result, the cat's visual acuity gradually decreases. We then notice that the animal is finding it increasingly difficult to move and that it often collides with walls and furniture. When the opacification is total, the little kitty can become blind.

Conjunctivitis of the cat

Cat conjunctivitis is a relatively common eye inflammation in our feline friends. Particularly contagious, it can have several origins since it can be caused by a viral, bacterial or parasitic infection, but also an allergy (pollen or other) or traumatic shock.

Conjunctivitis is characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is a transparent mucosa that lines the eyeball and the inner side of the eyelids. If it can be unilateral – so touch only one eye – or bilateral – that is to say touch both eyes – the affected animal has a swollen, red, watery eye. The eyelid can be difficult to close and the corners of the eye usually have sometimes purulent drips. Itching is common. In addition, in case of bacterial or viral infection, the sick cat may suffer from edema and respiratory disorders.

The cat must be quickly taken care of by the veterinarian so that the care is more effective and to avoid an alteration of the vision unfortunately definitive. An ointment and/or eye drops may suffice, but treatment with corticosteroids may be necessary in case of allergy.

 Detachment of the cat's retina

It is a serious eye condition that can affect all cats, at any age. Its origins are diverse (high blood pressure, disease that impacts the viscosity of the blood, abnormality in the structure of the eye, etc.). The affected cat tends to have very dilated pupils, difficulty moving or catching an object accurately, and it bumps into furniture and walls.

This is an absolute emergency. It is imperative to consult the veterinarian immediately, because retinal detachment can make the animal blind in just a few days.

Ectropion and entropion of the cat

Ectropion is characterized by an eyelid that curls outwards, which is called eversion. The animal's eye is red, irritated and discharge is formed, which can lead to superinfection.

Entropion is the opposite phenomenon, the eyelid curls inwards, which is called inversion. The eye, due to the repeated friction of eyelashes and hair on its surface, is very irritated.

In both cases, it is imperative to consult the veterinarian quickly in order to avoid ulceration of the cornea. All it takes is a simple surgical procedure to remedy this.

The epiphora of the cat

This benign condition can be caused by multiple causes. This eye disorder is indeed common in cats with short and crushed noses, called brachycephalic, but it is also likely to be triggered after conjunctivitis, another type of inflammation, an ulcer or a lesion of the cornea.

Epiphora is characterized by more abundant lacrimations. The eye is permanently moist and browns the hairs around it, which attracts bacteria. The affected animal does not suffer from specific consequences, but it is necessary to regularly remove the orange or black crusts that form under the eye and wings of the nose with the help of a specific eye lotion.


Glaucoma is an eye condition caused by an increase in intraocular pressure on the optic nerve related to a stop in the evacuation of the aqueous humor, a disorder that can be congenital, primary or secondary. The cat suffering from glaucoma has a sensitive, red eye and a dilated pupil. His eyeball can be bigger and very painful.

It is imperative to immediately consult the veterinarian, because without care, the little cat can be the victim of a destruction of his retina that causes permanent blindness.

 Cat eye prolapse

The cat's third eyelid, the transparent membrane that protects its eye, has glands that help to permanently moisten the eye surface naturally. When the ligament that holds the gland in place ruptures, the third eyelid no longer retracts naturally and remains visible on the surface of the eye. It can be identified with the pink mass it forms at the inner corner of the eye. In addition, the cat has dry eyes since it is no longer moistened enough, as well as conjunctivitis, purulent discharge, or even more or less intense pain.

In any case, it is imperative to consult the veterinarian as soon as possible.

The cat's corneal ulcer

A corneal ulcer is an open wound on the cornea. It can be of bacterial or viral origin, but most often traumatic, especially in case of shock or following an argument between congeners, or as a result of a feline herpes virus (FHV). The affected animal frequently scratches its eye and usually keeps it closed. The white of the eye may be injected with blood, painful and a gray or bluish veil may form on the cornea which gradually becomes opaque. In case of infectious origin, the animal may also sneeze and have discharge from the nose.

It is imperative to consult the veterinarian urgently in order to cure the affected eye. A superficial corneal ulcer can be treated with drops and local antibiotics. On the other hand, if it is deeper, it is necessary to apply healing eye drops and painkillers to relieve the suffering cat. Finally, when the form is severe, it is essential to practice tarsorraphy. This procedure consists of sewing the two eyelids together for at least 20 days to isolate the cornea from any source of luminosity and help it heal better.

Anterior uveitis of the cat

This serious eye inflammation is an attack on the uvea, the part that encompasses the iris, vessels and muscles. It may affect only one eye or both. The affected cat may have conjunctivitis, a contracted pupil (myosis), suffer from severe pain. It is also noted that his cornea becomes opaque and that the ocular blood vessels are more apparent at the level of his iris.

It is essential to immediately consult the veterinarian.

 What to do in case of eye problems in cats?

If you notice an eye problem in your cat, the best thing to do is to consult the veterinarian quickly. Indeed, while some conditions are benign, others can be very serious and have an absolute urgency. Anyway, it is imperative to set up a suitable treatment and avoid self-medication that can aggravate the situation for your little companion.

The signs that should alert you are:

  • a red eye,
  • a swollen eye,
  • aqueous or purulent discharge,
  • a dilated pupil,
  • a dry eye,
  • a sore eye,
  • visible blood vessels around the iris,
  • a dull and opaque veil on the surface of the eye,
  • the animal seems hesitant in its movements, it bumps into walls or furniture, etc.

Never neglect an eye damage, because it can very quickly take on a serious character to the point of making the animal blind.

In prevention, do not hesitate to regularly observe the eyes of your little companion. If they are dirty, clean them with a suitable lotion sold at the veterinarian or a simple sterile compress moistened with saline or clear and clean water. In addition, you can have your little kitty vaccinated regularly to prevent him from contracting certain serious pathologies that can cause eye damage.

Finally, to take care of the health of your small pet and better prevent the risk of eye disorder, you can take out a health insurance contract. These formulas of mutuals for animals allow you to benefit from a more or less important reimbursement on all or part of the veterinary care practiced according to the level of protection chosen. The online comparator is a free, non-binding and very practical tool to find in a few seconds several offers that correspond to the needs of your cat and your budget. Do not wait any longer to make the well-being of your little cat a priority at a lower cost!


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