While kittens are so cute, they don't stay small for long, and most cat breeds reach adult size between 6 and 8 months old. However, lovers of small felines may find satisfaction in adopting certain small breeds. Check out these dwarf cats and tomcats that will stay smaller than average, making you feel like you always have a kitten at home.

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Dwarf cat breeds


The Singapura is one of the smallest cat breeds in the world. In adulthood, it does not exceed a maximum of 2.7 kg for a male. It owes its name to the Singapore Tourist Board, which made it its mascot. However, it seems that this cat is actually from the United States. Be that as it may, this pretty cat is renowned for its eternal kitten looks and its beautiful slender figure.

Endowed with a beautiful round head, magnificent, particularly expressive almond-shaped eyes and large pointed ears, he is a calm, sociable, intelligent, benevolent and very playful cat. Particularly agile, his mischievousness often pushes him into mischief, but he is a perfect playmate for young children.

The Munchkin

This American cat is small in stature due to its short legs. This miniature cat has its canine equivalent with the Corgi, which is a breed of dog with very small legs compared to its body. Its name comes from the Wizard of Oz and the little dwarf cats named Munchkins who appear there. It was discovered in the 1980s by a breeder who became infatuated with an abnormally short-legged alley cat that gave birth to pups with the same characteristics.

The Munchkin is a calm, sociable, affectionate and playful cat, known for its cat-dog character. Adult, it measures up to 23 cm for a weight oscillating between 2 and 5 kg.

The Korat

This little cat from Thailand measures up to only 25 cm in adulthood for a maximum of 4.5 kg. Its beautiful blue dress sometimes causes it to be confused with the Chartreux or the Russian Blue and its silhouette evokes that of the Siamese. Reputed to bring good luck, the Korat is very calm and he appreciates tranquility and living in a peaceful home. Intelligent and homebody, he is a real cat-dog who likes to learn a few little tricks to amuse his owners.

The Skookum

This short-legged little cat is known for its curly hair and its 15 centimeters height once in adulthood. This tom from the United States is the result of a cross between the Munchkin and the Laperm operated in the 1990s. Playful, dynamic, intelligent and adventurous, he is an athletic cat who likes to climb and jump everywhere, but it is also a great affectionate lover of hugs and tenderness. This sociable cat lives very well indoors and gets along with everyone, humans and animals, young and old alike. However, the Skookum remains rare and it is not yet officially recognized as a breed in its own right, except by the WNCA (Australian Cat Association).

Small cat breeds

If they are not as small as dwarf cats, there are other tomcats of modest size.

The Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex or Cornish Rex is a small cat that does not exceed 35 cm in height for a maximum weight of 5 kg. He has a soft, curly, hypoallergenic coat. Affectionate, he is an endearing and glue-pot cat who likes to follow his master everywhere. He is also a great talker who meows loudly and often to be heard.

The Turk of Van

The Turk of Van does not exceed 30 cm. Originally from Turkey, he has a medium or long hair and an assertive character, although he is pleasant to live with. It is a cat also known for its love of water and its pronounced taste for swimming.

The Chausie

The Chausie is a short-haired cat with powerful legs that does not exceed 30 cm. If he is athletic and enduring, he is also a pot of glue who cannot stand loneliness. He appreciates being taken care of all the time, but he returns as much love as he receives.

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