The Lykoi is a medium-sized cat from a natural mutation, which appeared recently, with a surprising appearance. It takes its name from the ancient Greek which means 'wolf'. Indeed, this cat looks like a small werewolf. It only looks like it because the Lykoi is a great pet, endearing, affectionate and intelligent.

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  • Size: Medium
  • Weight: 2 kg to 4.5 kg
  • Hair: short
  • Color: black, blue, red, cream or roan (pepper and salt)
  • Life expectancy: 18 to 20 years
  • Gestation time: 63 to 68 days

Description and characteristics of Lykoi

The appearance of the Lykoi is similar at first glance to that of a werewolf. It has the particularity of having a short hair, rough in appearance but in fact very silky, without undercoat, which gives the impression that it is practically naked. Its hair can be black, blue, red, cream, or pepper and salt (appearance called 'roan'). This appearance of nudity is particularly marked around his eyes, nose, mouth and chin, which makes him compare to a small werewolf.

The Lykoi is a foreign type cat, that is to say with a rectangular body, a solid frame, an elegant musculature, a medium-sized tail and round or oval feet that have the particularity of being webbed in this cat. Its head is triangular in shape with rounded contours. It has large walnut-shaped eyes, gold, green or orange in color.

Lykoi ears are large, pointed, with very little hair, and well erect on his head.

The Lykoi appeared very recently, resulting from a natural mutation of a short-haired gutter cat. It was first farmed in the United States, more precisely in Tennessee, in the 2010s, then it arrived in France from 2016. Official recognition of the breed at the international level is currently underway.

Character and behavior of the Lykoi – Who is it for?

Contrary to what his resemblance to the werewolf might suggest, the Lykoi is an affectionate and charming cat who appreciates being cared for. It requires a lot of attention. He is very close to his family and his master against whom he loves to snuggle up. It is a cat with a very endearing personality. Intelligent, curious and lively, the Lykoi loves to play and he is very agile. In addition, he meows very rarely.

How to take care of your Lykoi: your needs

The skin and hair of the Lykoi do not require special maintenance. Two brushes a week are enough. On the other hand, his ears and eyes must be regularly cleaned. It is also essential to cut his claws regularly because they grow very quickly.

Care and nutrition

The good news is that this cat does not require a very complicated maintenance. His skin gets little fat and so he does not need to be washed. On the other hand, it is important to clean your eyes and ears once a month. Its claws also grow very quickly: it is recommended to trim them every two weeks, both for its comfort and for that of the master.
Regarding his diet, there are no specificities related to his breed. It is simply necessary to adopt a healthy and balanced food, with veterinary kibble adapted to his age and his state of health. It is important that they contain a large amount of protein to meet its nutritional needs. Your Lykoi cat can be fed exclusively with a dry diet, but you can supplement the kibble with wet sachets, to provide her with extra hydration.


Lykoi Health

The Lykoi cat is a breed that is still very recent, which is only about ten years old. For the moment, it is still unknown if he is predisposed to certain diseases. To keep it healthy, you simply have to respect a few basic rules, as for all pets:

Offer him a quality diet, with the right quantities.
Deworm it.
Give him enough water (for the good health of his kidneys).
Protect it from parasites (fleas, ticks).
Make a routine visit to the veterinarian every year.
Take out cat health insurance. 

Another essential point before adopting your Lykoi kitten: it is important that the breeder keeps the cub until, at least, 12 weeks of life. For the first three months, he must stay with his mother and siblings until he is weaned. When adopted before, kittens may have behavioral disorders: cleanliness problems or aggression.

Cost of a lykoi cat

Litters of lykoi cat are for the moment still quite rare, which explains a high price. Indeed, to adopt a Lykoi kitten, it takes between € 1,500 and € 2,000. At the moment, there are only 3 breedings of this breed on French territory. In the world, there are about thirty of them.

In addition to adoption costs, it is also necessary to anticipate the various expenses related to its arrival and then to its food and maintenance:

A budget of 500 € of veterinary expenses for the first year.
15 to 100 € for its litter box, depending on the model, and 150 € per year on average for litter bags.
5 to 50 € for the bowls or the food dispenser.
30 to 60 € for the transport box.
50 to 100 € for a cat tree.
50 € for various accessories (brush, harness, etc.).
For its food, plan an annual budget of 250 € on average. In the long term, veterinary fees will vary depending on the state of health of your pet, but it takes at least 200 € for vaccine boosters, antiparasitic treatments and deworming.

Takeaways ✔️
- The Lykoi cat is recognizable by its werewolf look and its absence of hair in some places.
- It is a curious, affectionate and playful animal, which adapts and integrates easily.
- This breed should ideally be adopted from a professional breeder.
- There is not yet enough hindsight on genetic predispositions to diseases for lykoi.
- This is a recent and still rare breed.

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