If the cat likes to go out and roam freely, it may be wise to invest in the purchase of a leash on certain occasions.

 Indeed, to take the small animal out without danger or to allow it to discover a new environment in complete safety, this accessory can be very useful. Connected to a collar or a harness, the leash should not be chosen at random.

In this file, we invite you to discover our advice for choosing the right leash for your cat, our recommendations for matching it with a collar or a harness as well as our advice for getting it used to this new equipment more easily.


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 In which case is it interesting to buy a leash for your cat?

Cats are animals that enjoy exploring their territory and its surroundings in complete freedom. These adventurous felines are generally well adapted to conquering new spaces and easily take their marks outdoors. Nevertheless, in some situations, buying a leash may be necessary.

Indeed, following a move, the small animal may need time to adapt to its new environment. Think about the fact that he has just lost his visual, olfactory and sound cues suddenly and that he must discover and appropriate a new space of which he knows nothing. This uprooting is brutal for him. Making him discover his new territory by walking him on a leash is a good way to secure him, reassure him and help you remain more serene yourself during his wanderings. Of course, wait at least a month after you move in to let your little cat out, so that he understands that he now lives there.

If you live in an apartment, your cat probably doesn't go out much. The risk of getting lost is greater, because its territory will necessarily be smaller and constrained. To allow him to go out without risk, the leash is a good solution. You will both be much more serene.

Finally, if you go on a trip or vacation with your cat, the leash allows him to take the air during the journey without risk of escape, but also to take him out once arrived at his destination, without danger for his safety.

Collar or harness: what to choose?

The cat's leash can be attached to a collar or harness.

The necklace

The collar is the basic device to take out your cat on a leash. It is important to choose a solid collar model that is adapted to the morphology of your pet. Choose a model that is not too tight, so as not to risk strangling the cat and injuring it in the trachea, but not too loose either so that it does not escape. Ideally, you should be able to slide two fingers between your little companion's neck and his necklace so that it is comfortable and safe. If possible, opt for a model with an elastic stretch part to allow your cat to get out if he gets stuck by the collar in an obstacle.

The collar is discreet and it can be worn permanently by the animal. Less expensive than the harness, it can also contain a medal or capsule that contains the coordinates of the master if the cat goes astray.

On the other hand, in the context of walks, the collar is less pleasant for the cat. If the little cat pulls to the right or left, he can injure his neck. It is the same when his master wants to avoid him going to certain places for example, by holding him in the presence of another animal or traffic.

The harness

The harness has several advantages. More imposing, it encloses the animal at the chest and under the paws, with a middle part on the middle of the back and a ventral link. The attachment is done at the level of the back, which avoids any risk of strangulation and facilitates any restraint of the animal. It is also more difficult to remove, which limits the risk of escape and makes it a safer accessory for the kitty.

On the other hand, the cat can sometimes support it less well, because it is more present. Some cats are embarrassed by his presence. Either way, you'll need to remove it after each release and put it back on for the next one, as it's not an accessory meant to stay in place.

How to choose a leash for your cat?

You have probably noticed that there are many models of leashes for cats. To choose the right one for your little companion, here are the criteria that we advise you to take into account.

A resistant leash

Prefer a resistant leash model, made of nylon or leather. It must be thick and strong enough to withstand cat and wear. Indeed, it must not break if he shoots it.

A leash of good length

There are all types of lengths. In general, a model of 4 meters long is recommended to give the animal enough freedom during its walks, without presenting the disadvantage of winding everywhere or risk to its safety.

A model with reel?

There are very practical stretch models, which consist of a handle with reel. The cat can thus move away according to the distance you have chosen to grant it, because you can block it according to your wishes. On the other hand, these models are sometimes difficult to control and they can get tangled easily.

What price to expect from such a purchase?

Prices are very variable for a cat leash since there are models at 3 USD as at 20 USD. You can sometimes choose a kit that includes the matching collar or harness for an average of 12 USD to 30 USD. Anyway, for a quality model, plan at least 10 USD to 12 USD (for a single leash).


How to get your cat used to the leash?

You bought a nice solid and practical leash for your cat. Now you have to make him accept it, because not all cats are followers of these particular accessories.

Start by questioning the behavior and personality of your little companion. Is he more of an adventurer? Or rather fearful? Does he enjoy staying by your side or does he prefer to explore his territory in complete freedom? Does he like to discover new spaces or is he suspicious? Does he support contact or does he seek to free himself from any hindrance? Answering these questions will help you choose your equipment and especially to set up an adapted habituation strategy.

Then, you will have to accustom your cat to wearing his collar or harness. To avoid traumatizing and paralyzing him before his outings, be gentle and patient and let him get used to this new accessory at his own pace. Put all these new objects on the ground to allow him to come and observe and sniff them. Afterwards, when he is calm and willing to let himself be manipulated, put the collar or harness around his neck. If he lets himself do this, tie the leash and observe his reaction. If he struggles, do not rush things and repeat the attempt later.

As soon as he gets used to his harness, take him out for a little while only in your garden or in a yard and observe his reactions again. Give him time to get used to the leash and its equipment before venturing further. This will prevent him from getting scared and refusing to leave it.

Do not forget to reward your cat with a treat at each of these stages in order to confirm his successes. This benevolent method is very useful in the context of feline education.

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