Cat owners are attentive to the good health of their pet, this goes without saying. And even if not all breeds of cats are equally susceptible to diseases, some conditions are recurrent in these small cats. It is therefore necessary to be particularly vigilant and consult a veterinarian as soon as certain symptoms appear.

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Never hesitate to seek medical advice. Cats can indeed develop diseases of bacterial or viral origin related to the environment or their age. Calicivirosis, Viral leukemia, panleukopenia (i.e. feline typhus), coryza, feline immunodeficiency, viral rhinotracheitis are among them. Beware of parasites of all kinds that transmit diseases (ticks, fleas, toxoplasma, tapeworm, roundworm ...). Taking out health insurance for your cat can really be essential because veterinary procedures are expensive. However, when you can be reimbursed for your expenses, you are less reluctant to consult.

The health of the cat, a great concern for the master

A responsible master also knows that as soon as the cat arrives in the family, the little feline will have to be the subject of special attention. If so many people take the precaution of educating their kitty from an early age, it is because in the absence of education, cats in adulthood are likely to have behavioral disorders, to be more exposed to diseases, relationship problems. This may require management by a behaviorist veterinarian. In order not to regret one day having adopted a cat it is better to educate it in the rules of the art.

Raising a cat and assuming its responsibilities finally means knowing how to make the necessary decisions. This is the case of sterilization, a subject that concerns many cat owners. Should you suffer the consequences of several litters a year and have to get rid of kittens (complicated decision to make, we suspect) or have your cat sterilized right away? Castration of the cat is also a recurring concern. The hesitation is legitimate. But it is recognized that these interventions have only advantages. Quieter, cats run away less. They are therefore less exposed to the risk of being injured or injured by another animal. And what is very important is that once sterilized, males and females are protected against many pathologies, some of which can be life-threatening. Risk then to arise another problem: make the decision to euthanize the animal ...


Administering a dewormer to your cat, a necessary evil

 It is not always easy to make a cat swallow a tablet and deworming is no exception to the rule. It is sometimes necessary to show great dexterity to dodge the claw strokes, or even use cunning to succeed in giving your cat its dewormer.

But fortunately, you came across the right article! We will go through the methods to safely swallow a dewormer to your cat.

Deworming helps fight against the cat's parasites, and prevents it from catching worms, or eliminates them if they are already present. Reliable and effective drug, deworming requires regular administration, a few months apart when taken.

Be aware that your cat is sensitive to several types of worms, the most common being roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms. As for bladder or cardiopulmonary worms, rarer, their dangerousness is real.

In any case, worms weaken your cat and harm its overall good health. They multiply and an infestation can cause damage to several organs of your cat. In addition, feline worms are transmissible to other cats, but also to other animals such as dogs or rodents.

No cat, even a homemaker and living exclusively indoors, is not immune to worms. They can be caught through food, or be brought back by man under his shoes for example.

In the interest of your mustachioed companion, there is only one reflex: deworming!

It is still necessary to succeed in administering his deworming tablet ...


8 methods to give a dewormer to a cat

Method number 1: put the dewormer in front of him

Well, we're not going to lie, this method has a 99.9% chance of failing. Since deworming is not appetizing and has absolutely no resemblance to kibble, your cat should simply ignore it and move on.

On the other hand, if your cat is the rare pearl belonging to the 0.1%, it's the jackpot! Congratulations, you have the coolest cat on the planet, and the chore of deworming, you don't know it!

Method number 2: Mix deworming with food

The chances of success of this method are significantly higher than the previous one. Mix the dewormer with its pie and voila! If you are lucky, he will not notice the tablet and will ingest it at the same time as his food.

On the other hand, if your cat is a clever little one, he will have sorted and will leave the dewormer at the bottom of his bowl clean. Do not try the shot with the kibble, he will see that this little white thing in the middle is not food.

Choose a good pastry very appetizing, he may well not pay attention to the deception, caught up by his natural gluttony.

Method number 3: crush the dewormer and mix it with its paste

If the previous two methods didn't work, normally this one should do the trick. So we will crush the tablet, then mix it in a small amount of pie and give it to your cat. It is likely that your cat does not even realize the subterfuge.

If your cat is very suspicious and has refused to eat the dewormer, then there is no doubt about the existence of a sixth sense in your feline, he feels the scam. Proceed to the next method...

Method number 4: Dissolve the dewormer in water and administer it with a syringe

Let's move on to the strong method. Your cat will not appreciate, but he only had to be more cooperative before! If the dewormer allows it (check on the leaflet), you can dissolve the tablet in a little water and administer it with a syringe (without needle!) or pipette.

It will be necessary to slide the syringe well into the back of your cat's throat, so that he does not spit everything out. Hold it firmly, but without brutality, during the operation, in order to protect yourself and avoid the risk of scratching.

Method number 5: Place the dewormer at the back of the throat

You can imagine that your cat will not let himself be done and that he will not appreciate the operation. Immobilize your cat with the strength of your arms. Then, take your cat's head between your thumb and forefinger, just behind your eyes.

Finally, with the same hand, squeeze his upper lip to open his mouth. Once you have enough room, slide the tablet as far down the throat as possible. Close his mouth and hold it until he has swallowed the dewormer. You can massage his throat to help him swallow.

Do not release the pressure on your cat until after seeing him swallow, it is a sign that he will have swallowed his tablet. To make him swallow the pill, catch up with a big session of cuddles or games later in the day.

Method number 6: Use tablet clips

Tablet clips are specially designed to easily deliver medication to our felines. They can be found in all specialized stores, on online pet stores or even at your veterinarian.

Using the previous method, once the mouth is open, insert the pliers well into the back of the throat and release the dewormer in it. Close his mouth and hold it like this until he has swallowed his tablet.

This clamp provides several advantages unlike the purely manual method. You will avoid possible bites and scratches, you will not need to open your cat's mouth much, and finally he will have less chance of spitting out his dewormer. It's all benefit!

Method number 7: the burrito technique

No, it's not a joke, we're going to turn your cat into a giant burrito! It's his fault, he just had to fight! Thanks to this technique, your cat will be completely immobilized and you can administer his deworming according to method number 5 or 6, of your choice.

Place a towel on a clear table or worktop. Then put your cat on it, wrap the towel around him, holding his paws along his body while letting his head protrude. Your cat will then be held firmly and will no longer be able to struggle. Do not squeeze too hard either, your cat must be able to breathe!



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