Feeding a kitten is not simple. It is necessary to take into account his age and the level of withdrawal. 

From birth to 6 to 8 weeks, a kitten is breastfed by its mother. Then he gradually switches to solid food by making several meals a day. This transition period requires your full attention. Here are the keys to successful weaning your cat but also the 10 mistakes not to make when feeding a kitten. 

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Weaning a kitten step by step

Introduce solid food

At birth, a kitten has access to breast milk exclusively. The mother's milk is ideal for the first weeks of life, it allows the animal to grow well and especially to develop its natural defenses. Breastfeeding lasts 6-10 weeks. It must be exclusive for at least 4 weeks. Then it is possible to introduce solid food. For the first few times, it is enough to place food on the kitten's lips so that he can discover new flavors.

On the menu, you can offer your little feline kibble or a wet formula (pâtée, jelly bites or sauce, etc.). During the weaning phase, young cats will naturally suck, breast milk that was essential becomes a dietary supplement. The nursing cat also knows how to determine if her little one has had enough milk! When the kitten reaches the age of 10 weeks, it can be completely weaned. This is also the age at which it can be adopted.

Offer the right number of meals

Weaning is now acquired. Your kitten needs to eat throughout the day. Between 2 months and 6 months, it is necessary to offer 3 to 4 meals per day. At this age, it is not necessary to make kibble available throughout the day.

As soon as he reaches the age of 6 months, you can offer him 2 meals a day and make kibble available during the day. Don't be afraid of industrial food! If it is of quality, it is perfectly adapted to the nutritional needs of the kitten. Just check that the majority of ingredients of animal origin are present. If there is too much grain, the kibble will be indigestible.

10 mistakes to avoid when feeding a kitten

1 - Separating a kitten from its mother too early

Adopting a kitten is cute. And the smaller the kitten, the more it seduces its new masters. But beware! A kitten should not be separated from its mother too early. You have to wait at least 10 weeks for a separation. If it is possible to wait 12 weeks, it's better! A kitten who joins his new home too quickly has not acquired certain reflexes instilled by his mother. It is lost and especially the malaise is at the rendezvous. Cats that suffer from emotional dependence have often been separated too quickly from their mothers and siblings.

2 - Give milk to a kitten

Quite naturally, when you have a kitten, you offer him milk. What for? Because we believe that it is essential for its growth. This is not the case! Once weaned, a kitten no longer needs milk. All the nutrients necessary for its development are present in the "junior" formulas marketed. There is industrial milk for kittens. These formulas are well thought out and can be offered to young cats. However, it should be borne in mind that kitten milk is a food and does not replace water.

If a kitten has been abandoned or lost its mother, it may be imperative to give it milk. If this is the case, you must bet on a specific formula available at the veterinarian. It must be offered in a bottle. For these cats, weaning can be done between 4 and 6 weeks.

3 - Offer kibble for adult cats

If you go to supermarkets or pet stores, you will find that there are 1001 kibble formulas. There is a good reason for this. Cats are all different, as are their needs. A neutered cat should not have the same diet as an outdoor cat or a cat that has digestive disorders. The same goes for growing cats. They must be given kibble for kittens, in other words "junior" formulas. They are enriched with vitamins and minerals. The deposit is the same for so-called wet food. You should give preference to elaborate recipes for kittens.

4 - Serve a pâtée too cold

Because the pie is started, you have chosen to keep the part not consumed by your cat in the refrigerator. You are right! So it does not deteriorate. On the other hand, it is not recommended to offer your kitten too cold food. You need to leave the bowl at room temperature for a few minutes. It is also possible 5 - Offer only one meal a day
Cats are not dogs. Moreover, unlike canids, it is impossible for them to make only one meal a day. They would not have enough energy for the day. They should be offered at least two meals a day and make sure they have kibble available throughout the day.

6 - Accelerate weaning

Sometimes, to adopt or adopt a kitten more quickly, we are tempted to accelerate weaning. It's a mistake! Weaning takes time and you have to follow the steps. If it is too fast, your cat may have problems with growth and digestion. Indeed, if it consumes solid food too early, a cat can suffer from stomach pain.

7 - Ignore the kitten's discomfort

It is quite possible that during the weaning phase a kitten does not feel very well. This discomfort is caused by difficulties in digesting. It is to avoid these digestive disorders that a cat alternates between kibble and breast milk during the diversification period. If you find that your kitten does not feel very well after meals, you need to change kibble. It may not digest the ones you selected correctly.

8 - Opt for unsuitable bowls

Making the right choice of bowls is essential. The containers must be wide enough so that the cat's vibrissae, in other words its whiskers, are not attacked by the walls. The bowl of a kitten should be non-slip. Avoid stainless steel bowls, cats can see themselves in them and this can disturb them.

9 - Do not moisten the kibble

Kibble is difficult for a kitten to chew. To help him switch to solid food, you can moisten the kibble. The latter are softer and therefore easier to eat. In addition, by moistening the kibble, they give off a more enticing smell for the cat. This encourages him in his withdrawal.

10 - Do not adapt the portions

It is important to observe your cat after meals. Sometimes the portions are too large. The kibbles remain and lose their taste. It is the same with the pâtée. If it is not eaten, it dries. To reduce waste, quantities must be reduced. If your kitten devours his bowl and he still meows, he has not eaten enough. In this case, it is necessary to offer him larger portions.

If you have difficulty feeding your kitten, you can discuss this with your veterinarian. This will help you find solutions before, during and after weaning.to warm it up a little.

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