Having a pet is beneficial. The dog is faithful, accompanies you on your outings, guards the house and plays with the children. Its biggest competitor is the cat, and it is to him that we are going to focus today.In addition to enjoying excessive feline love, you appreciate the purrs, games and hugs of your feline. Before you get started, here are 10 things to know before adopting a cat.

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1 - You commit yourself for several years

When you adopt a cat, a first choice is necessary: do you want an adult cat or a kitten? This decision is not without consequences. From the moment you adopt a cat, you commit yourself for several years. If it's a kitten, your life together can last more than 20 years! And yes, some cats have an excellent life expectancy. It is nice to think about the beautiful years you will live together. But it's also important to consider the commitment of adopting a cat. Even if this one is more independent than a dog, it needs you. You will need to:

  • Provide a childcare arrangement when you go on holiday,
  • Make sure your cat doesn't miss anything,
  • Have your pet followed by a veterinarian,
  • Take into consideration the presence of your cat in your decisions.

It is really essential to measure engagement before adopting a cat. Unfortunately, too many people underestimate this commitment and abandon their pet just a few months or years after they arrive at home. Take responsibility! 

2 - You must take into consideration the expenses

Having a cat entails many expenses. If you have chosen to adopt a kitten, the veterinary fees will be numerous in the first year. They include:

  • Vaccines,
  • Dewormers,
  • Sterilization,
  • Identification.

Kittens adopted from a breeder can have a high cost. If you want to adopt an adult cat, you can contact the SPA, the Society for the Protection of Animals, you can also contact an association or a cat bar. The latter are democratizing and are present in all major cities of France. Adoption then comes at a cost. Most often, it is necessary to pay a hundred euros.

Be aware that in addition to the adoption fees, it will be necessary to provide all the equipment to welcome your cat at home. among them, there are:

  • The basket and cushions,
  • The bowls,
  • Litter,
  • The cat tree,
  • The scraper,
  • Toys.

Throughout the year, you will need to buy food and litter. You will have to face the costs of veterinarian and childcare if you do not have anyone to entrust your cat to during your absence.

3 - Not everyone likes cats

If you adopt a cat, you should know that not everyone will share your love for felines. it can happen that the neighborhood has a negative view of the presence of a cat in the neighborhood, especially if it spends a lot of time outside. Cats tend to do their business wherever they want, which often includes children's flower beds, vegetable gardens, and sandboxes.

If you are a tenant, make sure you are allowed to have a pet. Most often there is no problem. However, your landlord may prohibit you from placing protections at balcony level or installing a cat box.

4 - Cats are independent but do not like to live alone

If you want to adopt a cat because you appreciate its independence, this is a bad idea. A cat does not need to be taken out like a dog, but it does not appreciate loneliness. Also, if you know that you will often be absent, it is better to adopt not one but two cats! This rule applies especially to indoor cats. If your cat has access to the outside, it may be the only feline in the house. He will know how to keep busy.

5 - Cats impose longer cleaning sessions

It will not have escaped you, cats are adorable balls of hair. But these hairs, they lose them! Quickly, there are everywhere in the house. Also, before adopting a cat, you should know that you need to do the cleaning regularly. It is necessary to make the dust and vacuum your home regularly.

It is worth noting that a cat's litter box should always be clean. It must therefore be cleaned very regularly, even daily. Your companion will probably scatter litter everywhere in your home. To reduce this phenomenon, choose an agglomerating litter and place a carpet at the exit of the litter. Cats are very clean, they spend a lot of time grooming. When they eat, they are much less manic... Protect the floor and wall to reduce dirt.

6 - Cats are stubborn

Cats are animals that have a strong personality. That is why you will have more difficulty educating a cat than a dog. Very stubborn, cats will make the same mistakes and nonsense several times before understanding what is forbidden to them. You have to be patient, consistent and not violent. Positive education can work. The principle is simple, instead of punishing bad behavior, we must reward the good ones!

7 - Cats are acrobats

Felines are true adventurers. Also, they do not hesitate to climb everywhere. If you thought you were sheltering sensitive objects by placing them high, you are mistaken! Your cat will find a solution to reach them.

Vigilance is required if you have an exterior with trees, if your cat goes on the windowsills or if you give him access to the balcony. Your cat must not put himself in danger! Sometimes you can reduce the risk by blocking access to sensitive areas or making sure doors and windows are tightly closed. Know that if you see your cat on a windowsill, do not panic and especially do not shout. Gently attract your cat's attention by offering him a treat. He will return without difficulty!

8 - The cat is a hunter

If you leave your cat outside access, don't be surprised if he brings you a mouse or a bird. Cats are real hunters. In addition, he likes to give gifts to their master. If he brings you the fruit of his hunt, thank him! It should also be noted that cats are active at night. It may be noisier and may even wake you up.

9 - A cat will spend its life with you

A cat lives about twenty years. He will be a baby, a child, a teenager, an adult and a senior. If you adopt a cat, you must take into account its needs in each period of its life! Young, the cat needs to play, wake up and socialize. Later, it will be necessary to guarantee him care adapted to aging and his possible diseases. It's less enjoyable, but that's your role!

10 - A cat is a source of happiness!

Over the course of her lifetime, your cat will cost you a few euros, a few hours of housekeeping and sometimes a few hassles. He will also and above all bring you a lot of joy. He will make you laugh with his nonsense, will comfort you when you need it and will fill you with purrs. He will love you and do the same with your children.

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